Write a Shell script that runs a Python script. The Python file name will be saved in the environment variable $PYFILE.
guillaume@ubuntu:~/py/0x00$ cat main.py
print("Best School")
guillaume@ubuntu:~/py/0x00$ export PYFILE=main.py
guillaume@ubuntu:~/py/0x00$ ./0-run
Best School
Write a Shell script that runs Python code. The Python code will be saved in the environment variable $PYCODE
guillaume@ubuntu:~/py/0x00$ export PYCODE='print(f"Best School: {88+10}")'
guillaume@ubuntu:~/py/0x00$ ./1-run_inline
Best School: 98
Write a Python script that prints exactly "Programming is like building a multilingual puzzle, followed by a new line.
guillaume@ubuntu:~/py/0x00$ ./2-print.py
"Programming is like building a multilingual puzzle
Complete this source code in order to print the integer stored in the variable number, followed by Battery street, followed by a new line.
- You can find the source code here
- The output of the script should be:
- the number, followed by Battery street,
- followed by a new line
- You are not allowed to cast the variable number into a string
- Your code must be 3 lines long
- You have to use f-strings
guillaume@ubuntu:~/py/0x00$ ./3-print_number.py
98 Battery street