Open lib/completeMemberInfo.dart for more clear understanding.
However the guidelines are as follows:
lib/completeMemberInfo.dart is the only file which you need to edit in order to contribute to this project. However, you can always look at other files in the codebase incase you are inquisitive enough.
Now, What to edit in this file?
All you need is to create one more member object below within the list _members and provide all the details about yourself. Also, before this make sure your profile picture is in the assets/profilePic folder.
Open lib/completeMemberInfo.dart for more clear understanding.
The fields in the member class are:
Name=Your name
Year=Your year of study in college
Department=Your department of graduation
ProfilePic=Path to your profile photo
AboutMe= A brief introduction about yourself in max 2-3 lines
faceboobURL=Your facebook account url
GithubURL=Your github account url
LinkedInURL=Your linkedIn account url
Status= A 2-3 word technical expertise
Remember all are string inputs.
I have already added my info. I have also added info of other developers for demonstration purpose. In the same manner you need to add yours.
If you don't have url for the facebook,github & linkedIn, just remove that field.