Extending Polynomials
The AbstractUnivariatePolynomial
type was made to be extended.
A polynomial's coefficients are relative to some basis. The Polynomial
type relates coefficients [a0, a1, ..., an]
, say, to the polynomial $a_0 + a_1\cdot x + a_2\cdot x^2 + \cdots + a_n\cdot x^n$, through the standard basis $1, x, x^2, ..., x^n$. New polynomial types typically represent the polynomial through a different basis. For example, CheyshevT
uses a basis $T_0=1, T_1=x, T_2=2x^2-1, \cdots, T_n = 2xT_{n-1} - T_{n-2}$. For this type the coefficients [a0,a1,...,an]
are associated with the polynomial `a0\cdot T_0 + a_1 \cdot T_1 + \cdots + a_n\cdot T_n
A polynomial type consists of a container type (with parent type AbstractUnivariatePolynomial
) and a basis type (with parent type AbstractBasis
). There a several different storage types implemented.
To implement a new polynomial type, P
, the following methods should be implemented:
Function | Required | Notes |
A container type | x | Usually selected from an available one. |
A basis type | x | |
variable | Convenience to find the monomial x in the new basis. | |
Base.evalpoly(x, p::P) | x | To evaluate the polynomial at x |
*(::P, ::P) | Multiplication of polynomials | |
convert(::P, p::Polynomial) | Defaults to polynomial evaluation. Can be used to define * by round trip through Polynomial type | |
convert(::Polynomial, p) | Defaults to polynomial evaluation, which uses evalpoly , variable , * | |
scalar_add(c::S, ::P) | Scalar addition. Default requires one to be defined. | |
one | x | Convenience to find the constant $1$ in the new basis. |
map(f, p) | x | Used to define scalar multiplication |
divrem | Required for gcd | |
vander | Required for fit | |
companion | Required for roots | |
Polynomials.domain | Should return a Polynomials.Interval instance |
As always, if the default implementation does not work or there are more efficient ways of implementing, feel free to overwrite functions from common.jl
for your type.
The general idea is the container type should provide the vector operations of polynomial addition, subtraction, and scalar multiplication. The latter is generically implemented through a map(f,p)
method. The second example illustrates, though it isn't expected that container types will need being defined by users of this package.
The basis type directs dispatch for other operations and allows definitions for one
and variable
. An evalpoly
method may be defined for a given basis type, though specializations based on the container may be desirable.
Methods like *
will typically need to consider both the underlying container type and the basis, though if convert
methods are defined, the defaults can be utilized as converting to the Polynomial
type, performing the operation, then converting back is possible, though likely not as efficient.
Most promotion rules will coerce towards the Polynomial
type, so not all methods have to be implemented if you provide a conversion function.
A new basis type
The generalized Laguerre polynomials are orthogonal polynomials parameterized by $\alpha$ and defined recursively by
\[\begin{align*} +L^\alpha_1(x) &= 1\\ +L^\alpha_2(x) &= 1 + \alpha - x\\ +L^\alpha_{n+1}(x) &= \frac{2n+1+\alpha -x}{n+1} L^\alpha_n(x) - \frac{n+\alpha}{n+1} L^\alpha_{n-1}(x)\\ +&= (A_nx +B_n) \cdot L^\alpha_n(x) - C_n \cdot L^\alpha_{n-1}(x). +\end{align*}\]
There are other characterizations available. The three-point recursion, described by A
, and C
is used below for evaluation.
We show how to define a new basis type, LaguerreBasis
, leveraging one of the existing container types. In this example our basis type has a parameter. The ChebyshevT
type, gives a related example of how this task can be implemented.
First we load the package and import a few non-exported functions:
julia> using Polynomials;
+julia> import Polynomials: AbstractUnivariatePolynomial, AbstractBasis, MutableDensePolynomial;
We define the basis with:
julia> struct LaguerreBasis{alpha} <: AbstractBasis end
+julia> Polynomials.basis_symbol(::Type{<:AbstractUnivariatePolynomial{LaguerreBasis{α},T,X}}) where {α,T,X} =
+ "L^$(α)"
We added a method to basis_symbol
to show this basis. The display of the basis symbol has a poor default. The method above requires the full type, as the indeterminate, X
, may be part of the desired output. More generally, Polynomials.printbasis
can have methods added to adjust for different display types.
Polynomial types can be initiated through specifying a storage type and a basis type, say:
julia> P = MutableDensePolynomial{LaguerreBasis{0}}
Instances can now be created:
julia> p = P([1,2,3])
+MutableDensePolynomial(1L^0_0 + 2*L^0_1 + 3*L^0_2)
Or using other storage types:
julia> Polynomials.ImmutableDensePolynomial{LaguerreBasis{1}}((1,2,3))
+Polynomials.ImmutableDensePolynomial(1L^1_0 + 2*L^1_1 + 3*L^1_2)
All polynomial types have vector addition and scalar multiplication defined, as these are basis independent:
julia> q = P([1,2])
+MutableDensePolynomial(1L^0_0 + 2*L^0_1)
+julia> p + q
+MutableDensePolynomial(2L^0_0 + 4*L^0_1 + 3*L^0_2)
+julia> 2p
+MutableDensePolynomial(2L^0_0 + 4*L^0_1 + 6*L^0_2)
For a new basis, there are no default methods for polynomial evaluation and polynomial multiplication; and no defaults for one
(used by default for scalar addition), and variable
(used by default in conversion).
For the Laguerre Polynomials, Clenshaw recursion can be used for evaluation.
julia> function ABC(::Type{LaguerreBasis{α}}, n) where {α}
+ o = one(α)
+ d = n + o
+ (A=-o/d, B=(2n + o + α)/d, C=(n+α)/d)
+ end
+ABC (generic function with 1 method)
julia> function clenshaw_eval(p::P, x::S) where {α, Bᵅ<: LaguerreBasis{α}, T, P<:AbstractUnivariatePolynomial{Bᵅ,T}, S}
+ d = degree(p)
+ R = typeof(((one(α) * one(T)) * one(S)) / 1)
+ p₀ = one(R)
+ d == -1 && return zero(R)
+ d == 0 && return p[0] * one(R)
+ Δ0 = p[d-1]
+ Δ1 = p[d]
+ @inbounds for i in (d - 1):-1:1
+ A,B,C = ABC(Bᵅ, i)
+ Δ0, Δ1 =
+ p[i] - Δ1 * C, Δ0 + Δ1 * muladd(x, A, B)
+ end
+ A,B,C = ABC(Bᵅ, 0)
+ p₁ = muladd(x, A, B) * p₀
+ return Δ0 * p₀ + Δ1 * p₁
+ end
+clenshaw_eval (generic function with 1 method)
Internally, evalpoly
is called so we forward that method.
julia> Polynomials.evalpoly(x, p::P) where {P<:AbstractUnivariatePolynomial{<:LaguerreBasis}} =
+ clenshaw_eval(p, x)
We test this out by passing in the variable x
in the standard basis:
julia> p = P([0,0,1])
+julia> x = variable(Polynomial)
+julia> p(x)
+Polynomial(1.0 - 2.0*x + 0.5*x^2)
This shows evaluation works and also that conversion to the Polynomial
type is available through polynomial evaluation. This is used by default by convert
, so we immediately have other convert
methods available:
julia> convert(ChebyshevT, p)
+ChebyshevT(1.25⋅T_0(x) - 2.0⋅T_1(x) + 0.25⋅T_2(x))
Or, using some extra annotations to have rational arithmetic used, we can compare to easily found representations in the standard basis:
julia> q = Polynomials.basis(MutableDensePolynomial{LaguerreBasis{0//1}, Int}, 5)
+julia> x = variable(Polynomial{Int})
+julia> q(x)
+Polynomial(1//1 - 5//1*x + 5//1*x^2 - 5//3*x^3 + 5//24*x^4 - 1//120*x^5)
The values of one
and variable
are straightforward to define, as $L_0=1$ and $L_1=1 - x$ or $x = L_0 - L_1$
julia> Polynomials.one(::Type{P}) where {B<:LaguerreBasis,T,X,P<:AbstractUnivariatePolynomial{B,T,X}} =
+ P([one(T)])
+julia> Polynomials.variable(::Type{P}) where {B<:LaguerreBasis,T,X,P<:AbstractUnivariatePolynomial{B,T,X}} =
+ P([one(T), -one(T)])
To see this is correct, we have:
julia> variable(P)(x) == x
Scalar addition defaults to a call to one(p)
, so this is now defined:
julia> 2 + p
+MutableDensePolynomial(2L^0_0 + L^0_2)
Often it is more performant to implement a specific method for scalar_add
. Here we utilize the fact that $L_0 = 1$ to manipulate the coefficients. Below we specialize to a container type:
julia> function Polynomials.scalar_add(c::S, p::P) where {B<:LaguerreBasis,T,X,
+ P<:MutableDensePolynomial{B,T,X},S}
+ R = promote_type(T,S)
+ iszero(p) && return MutableDensePolynomial{B,R,X}(c)
+ cs = convert(Vector{R}, copy(p.coeffs))
+ cs[1] += c
+ MutableDensePolynomial{B,R,X}(cs)
+ end
+julia> p + 3
+MutableDensePolynomial(3L^0_0 + L^0_2)
Multiplication defaults to a code path where the two polynomials are promoted to a common type and then multiplied. Here we implement polynomial multiplication through conversion to the polynomial type. The direct formula could be implemented, but that isn't so illustrative for this example. See the SpecialPolynomials
package for an implementation.
julia> function Base.:*(p::MutableDensePolynomial{B,T,X},
+ q::MutableDensePolynomial{B,S,X}) where {B<:LaguerreBasis, T,S,X}
+ x = variable(Polynomial{T,X})
+ p(x) * q(x)
+ end
Were it defined, a convert
method from Polynomial
to the LaguerreBasis
could be used to implement multiplication, as we have defined a variable
A new container type
This example shows how to make a new container type, though this should be unnecessary, given the current variety, there may be gains to be had (e.g. an immutable, sparse type?) In this case, we offer a minimal example where the polynomial type aliases the vector defining the coefficients is created. For other bases, more methods may be necessary to define (again, refer to ChebyshevT for an example).
We have two constructor methods. The first is the typical code path. It makes a copy of the coefficients and then wraps those within the polynomial container type. For performance reasons, generically it is helpful to pass in a flag to indicate no copying or checking of the input is needed (Val{false}
). This is used by some inherited methods when we specialize to the StandardBasis
type. Generically, a container type may accept an offset, though this type won't; a 0
-based vector is implicit.
julia> using Polynomials
+julia> struct AliasPolynomialType{B,T,X} <: Polynomials.AbstractDenseUnivariatePolynomial{B, T, X}
+ coeffs::Vector{T}
+ function AliasPolynomialType{B, T, X}(coeffs::AbstractVector{S}, o::Int=0) where {B, T, S, X}
+ new{B,T,Symbol(X)}(convert(Vector{T}, copy(coeffs)))
+ end
+ function AliasPolynomialType{B, T, X}(::Val{false}, coeffs::AbstractVector{S}, o::Int=0) where {B, T, S, X}
+ new{B,T,Symbol(X)}(convert(Vector{T}, coeffs))
+ end
+ end
+julia> Polynomials.@poly_register AliasPolynomialType
The call to @poly_register
adds many different means to construct polynomials of this type along with some other default methods.
A few methods need defining to get indexing to work:
julia> Base.firstindex(p::AliasPolynomialType) = 0
+julia> Base.lastindex(p::AliasPolynomialType) = length(p.coeffs) - 1
julia> Polynomials.constructorof(::Type{<:AliasPolynomialType{B}}) where {B} = AliasPolynomialType{B}
We need to add in the vector-space operations:
julia> function Base.:+(p::AliasPolynomialType{B,T,X}, q::AliasPolynomialType{B,S,X}) where {B,S,T,X}
+ R = promote_type(T,S)
+ n = maximum(degree, (p,q))
+ cs = [p[i] + q[i] for i in 0:n]
+ AliasPolynomialType{B,R,X}(Val(false), cs) # save a copy
+ end
+julia> function Base.:-(p::AliasPolynomialType{B,T,X}, q::AliasPolynomialType{B,S,X}) where {B,S,T,X}
+ R = promote_type(T,S)
+ n = maximum(degree, (p,q))
+ cs = [p[i] - q[i] for i in 0:n]
+ AliasPolynomialType{B,R,X}(Val(false), cs)
+ end
+julia> function Base.map(fn, p::P) where {B,T,X,P<:AliasPolynomialType{B,T,X}}
+ cs = map(fn, p.coeffs)
+ R = eltype(cs)
+ AliasPolynomialType{B,R,X}(Val(false), cs)
+ end
A type and a basis defines a polynomial type. This example uses the StandardBasis
basis type and consequently inherits the methods mentioned above that otherwise would need implementing.
julia> AliasPolynomial = AliasPolynomialType{Polynomials.StandardBasis};
To see this new polynomial type in action, we have:
julia> xs = [1,2,3,4];
+julia> p = AliasPolynomial(xs)
+AliasPolynomialType(1 + 2*x + 3*x^2 + 4*x^3)
+julia> q = AliasPolynomial(1.0, :y)
+julia> 2p - q
+AliasPolynomialType(3.0 + 4.0*x + 6.0*x^2 + 8.0*x^3)
+julia> (derivative ∘ integrate)(p) == p
+julia> p(3)
The default for polynomial multiplication is to call *
for two instances of the type with the same variable, and possibly different element types. For standard basis types, we can add this method:
julia> Base.:*(p::AliasPolynomialType{T,X}, q::AliasPolynomialType{S,X}) where {T,S,X} = Polynomials._standard_basis_multiplication(p,q)
+julia> p * p
+AliasPolynomialType(1 + 4*x + 10*x^2 + 20*x^3 + 25*x^4 + 24*x^5 + 16*x^6)
For the Polynomial type, the default on operations is to copy the array. For this type, it might seem reasonable – to avoid allocations – to update the coefficients in place for scalar addition and scalar multiplication.
Scalar addition, p+c
, defaults to p + c*one(p)
, or polynomial addition, which is not inplace without additional work. As such, we create a new method and an infix operator
julia> function scalar_add!(c::T, p::AliasPolynomial{T}) where {T}
+ p.coeffs[1] += c
+ p
+ end;
+julia> p::AliasPolynomial +ₛ c::Number = scalar_add!(c, p);
+julia> c::Number +ₛ p::AliasPolynomial = scalar_add!(c, p);
The viewpoint that a polynomial represents a vector of coefficients leads to an expectation that vector operations should match when possible. Scalar multiplication is a vector operation, so it seems reasonable to override the broadcast machinery to implement an in place operation (e.g. p .*= 2
). By default, the polynomial types are not broadcastable over their coefficients. We would need to make a change there and modify the copyto!
julia> Base.broadcastable(p::AliasPolynomial) = p.coeffs;
+julia> Base.ndims(::Type{<:AliasPolynomial}) = 1
+julia> Base.copyto!(p::AliasPolynomial, x) = (copyto!(p.coeffs, x); chop!(p));
+julia> p
+AliasPolynomialType(1 + 2*x + 3*x^2 + 4*x^3)
+julia> p .*= 2
+AliasPolynomialType(2 + 4*x + 6*x^2 + 8*x^3)
+julia> p ./= 2
+AliasPolynomialType(1 + 2*x + 3*x^2 + 4*x^3)
Trying to divide again would throw an error, as the result would not fit with the integer type of p
Now p
is treated as the vector p.coeffs
, as regards broadcasting, so some things may be surprising, for example this expression returns a vector, not a polynomial:
julia> p .+ 2
+4-element Vector{Int64}:
+ 3
+ 4
+ 5
+ 6
The unexported Polynomials.PnPolynomial
polynomial type implements much of the above.
— TypeAbstractUnivariatePolynomial{B,T,X} <: AbstractPolynomial{T,X}
+AbstractDenseUnivariatePolynomial{B,T,X} <: AbstractUnivariatePolynomial{B,T,X}
+AbstractLaurentUnivariatePolynomial{B,T,X} <: AbstractUnivariatePolynomial{B,T,X}
Abstract container types for polynomials with an explicit basis, B
. AbstractDenseUnivariatePolynomial
is for 0
-based polynomials; AbstractLaurentUnivariatePolynomial
is for polynomials with possibly negative powers of the indeterminate.
— TypeAbstractBasis
Abstract type for specifying a polynomial basis.