To get the latest Nvidia drivers it is necessary to add the Proprietary GPU Drivers PPA:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:graphics-drivers/ppa
Enable 32 bit architecture (if you haven't already):
sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386
Update to refresh packages:
sudo apt update
Warning: Please ensure your graphics card is supported by the 465 driver before installing. _For a list of supported GPUs click here:
Install the 465 driver:
sudo apt install nvidia-driver-465
Install support for Vulkan API (will be functional only if you have a Vulkan capable GPU):
sudo apt install libvulkan1 libvulkan1:i386
Reboot to apply changes.
Add kisak-mesa PPA:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:kisak/kisak-mesa
Enable 32 bit architecture (if you haven't already):
sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386
Upgrade your system:
sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade
Install support for 32-bit games:
sudo apt install libgl1-mesa-dri:i386
Install support for Vulkan API (will be functional only if you have a Vulkan capable GPU):
sudo apt install mesa-vulkan-drivers mesa-vulkan-drivers:i386
Reboot to apply changes.
Note: Only Ubuntu 18.04 and higher is supported for AMD and Intel graphics.
Note for Intel integrated graphics users: Only Skylake, Kaby Lake, and Coffee Lake offer full Vulkan support. Broadwell, Haswell and Ivy Bridge only offer partial support, which may not work with a lot of games. Sandy Bridge and older lack any Vulkan support whatsoever.
First, enable multilib.
To enable multilib repository, uncomment the [multilib]
section in /etc/pacman.conf
/etc/pacman.conf -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [multilib] Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
Then upgrade the system sudo pacman -Syu
Warning: Please ensure your graphics card is supported by modern Nvidia driver before installing. For a list of supported GPUs click here:
Proprietary driver and support for Vulkan are required for proper functionality of games.
To install it, execute following command:
sudo pacman -S --needed nvidia-dkms nvidia-utils lib32-nvidia-utils nvidia-settings vulkan-icd-loader lib32-vulkan-icd-loader
To install support for Vulkan API (will be functional only if you have a Vulkan capable GPU) and 32-bit games, execute following command:
sudo pacman -S --needed lib32-mesa vulkan-radeon lib32-vulkan-radeon vulkan-icd-loader lib32-vulkan-icd-loader
To install support for Vulkan API (will be functional only if you have a Vulkan capable GPU) and 32-bit games, execute following command:
sudo pacman -S --needed lib32-mesa vulkan-intel lib32-vulkan-intel vulkan-icd-loader lib32-vulkan-icd-loader
Note: Only Skylake, Kaby Lake, and Coffee Lake offer full Vulkan support. Broadwell, Haswell and Ivy Bridge only offer partial support, which may not work with a lot of games. Sandy Bridge and older lack any Vulkan support whatsoever.
Note: Dnf will pull most, if not all, AMD/Intel drivers with an install of Lutris, Wine, and/or Steam. Unless on an NVIDIA card, the following guide may be redundant.
To install support for Vulkan API (will be functional only if you have a Vulkan capable GPU and driver), execute following command:
sudo dnf install vulkan-loader vulkan-loader.i686
Warning: Please ensure your graphics card is supported by modern Nvidia driver before installing. For a list of supported GPUs click here:
Proprietary driver and support for Vulkan are required for proper functionality of games.
First, update (and reboot) your system:
sudo dnf update
Next, make sure the official repos are installed:
sudo dnf install fedora-workstation-repositories
Enable the NVIDIA driver repo:
sudo dnf config-manager --set-enabled rpmfusion-nonfree-nvidia-driver
Reboot again. After the reboot, verify the addition of the repository via the following command:
sudo dnf repository-packages rpmfusion-nonfree-nvidia-driver info
If several NVIDIA drivers are loaded, you are good to go. Finally, login, connect to the internet, and open the software app. Click Add-ons> Hardware Drivers> NVIDIA Linux Graphics Driver> Install.
If you’re using an older GPU or plan to use multiple GPUs, check the RPMFusion guide for further instructions. Finally, to ensure a successful reboot, set “WaylandEnable=false” in /etc/gdm/custom.conf, and make sure to avoid using secure boot.
Notice: openSUSE Leap releases are currently not officaly supported because they ship an older version of glibc (2.26 but 2.27 is required at least).
Usually, if you have an AMD GPU running with open source drivers (Mesa), the required packages should already be installed. If for some reason they aren't, run the following command:
sudo zypper in kernel-firmware-amdgpu libdrm_amdgpu1 libdrm_amdgpu1-32bit libdrm_radeon1 libdrm_radeon1-32bit libvulkan_radeon libvulkan_radeon-32bit libvulkan1 libvulkan1-32bit
Usually, if you have an Intel iGPU running with open source drivers (Mesa), the required packages should already be installed. If for some reason they aren't, run the following command:
sudo zypper in kernel-firmware-intel libdrm_intel1 libdrm_intel1-32bit libvulkan1 libvulkan1-32bit libvulkan_intel libvulkan_intel-32bit
The closed source NVidia dirver is not available by default. Please check which NVidia GPU you have and run one of the following One-Click Installers.
Those will then add the required official NVidia driver repository from and install the required nvidia driver package.
For Vulkan support on NVidia drivers also run:
sudo zypper in libvulkan1 libvulkan1-32bit