Ceph is a distributed object, block, and file storage platform. It features an interface for Amazon S3 objects inside of its Rados Gateway (RGW).
This RGW's S3 interface is tested and currently has three test suites in python, java and Golang that run against it. These test suites use Amazon SDKs namely boto for python, Go SDK for golang and the Java SDK for Java. In future there may be a c++ test suite as well.
Generally Contributing to the Ceph project without a very specific purpose or guidance can have a high barrier to entry. Usually the people that contribute significantly to Ceph are doing it on behalf of their company and have significant experience in linux/distributed systems/storage.
If someone wanted to make a contribution and weren't be mentored or employed to do so they would need to be quite the self starter as well because seriously contributing to Ceph isn't something you can just do off and on.
My recommendation is that you read carefully through the online documentation, watch videos on it, and build and run a ceph cluster. Then I suggest picking a sub-component of Ceph to work on (the OSD, RGW, RBD, etc.) and only focus on the component to work on.
Then email ceph-devel asking for a starter project on that specific sub-component or take a look at the bugs list and try to solve a bug that's not being worked on in sub-component to get a good understanding of the code.
The list of open issues in Ceph are here: http://tracker.ceph.com/projects/devops/issues
Here is the info for mailing lists: http://ceph.com/irc/
Ceph has many projects. I will take you through the projects regarding RGW testing. To get involved, you have to first choose what test suite you want to contribute to and if you are not familiar with the programming language then you can go through some tutorials.
Most of the instructions in running these tests are based on the fact that you use linux. It is advisable that you get yourself any linux distro like ubuntu or fedora but I would recommend fedora.
You will also need to have a basic understanding of how to use the Amazon s3 SDKS. There is enough documentation on these SDKS. Go through the details for an sdk depending on the language of the test suite you choose. You can take a look at the developer guides below:
Important to note is the tests run against RGW therefore you need to have it running somewhere. You can set it up in a Linux machine or virtual machine using these guidelines.
Clone Ceph
You can clone from github with
git clone [email protected]:ceph/ceph
or, if you are not a github user,
git clone git://github.com/ceph/ceph
Check out Ceph's submodules
git submodule update --init --recursive
Install dependencies
Build the vstart target because that is all we need
cd build
make vstart
Run vstart
on master
../src/vstart.sh -n -l --rgw_num 1
on kraken branch
../src/vstart.sh -n -l -r
Install Go and set GoPath
sudo apt-get install golang
export GOPATH=$HOME/go
dnf install golang
export GOPATH=$HOME/go
Clone the test Repository
git clone https://github.com/nanjekyejoannah/go_s3tests
cd go_s3tests
Create Configuration by copying sample
cp config.toml.sample config.toml
Install Dependencies
go get -d ./...
Run the tests
cd s3tests
go test -v
Clone the test repository
git clone https://github.com/nanjekyejoannah/java_s3tests
cd java_s3tests
Create Configuration by copying sample
cp config.properties.sample config.properties
Install gradle
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:cwchien/gradle
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install gradle
dnf install gradle
Build the project
gradle build
Run the tests
gradle test
To get started, ensure you have the virtualenv software installed; e.g. on Debian/Ubuntu:
sudo apt-get install python-virtualenv
and then run:
Create a configuration file with the location of the service and two different credentials, something like this:
## this section is just used as default for all the "s3 *"
## sections, you can place these variables also directly there
## replace with e.g. "localhost" to run against local software
host = s3.amazonaws.com
## uncomment the port to use something other than 80
# port = 8080
## say "no" to disable TLS
is_secure = yes
## all the buckets created will start with this prefix;
## {random} will be filled with random characters to pad
## the prefix to 30 characters long, and avoid collisions
bucket prefix = YOURNAMEHERE-{random}-
[s3 main]
## the tests assume two accounts are defined, "main" and "alt".
## user_id is a 64-character hexstring
user_id = 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef
## display name typically looks more like a unix login, "jdoe" etc
display_name = youruseridhere
## replace these with your access keys
secret_key = abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmn
## replace with key id obtained when secret is created, or delete if KMS not tested
kms_keyid = 01234567-89ab-cdef-0123-456789abcdef
[s3 alt]
## another user account, used for ACL-related tests
user_id = 56789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234
display_name = john.doe
## the "alt" user needs to have email set, too
email = [email protected]
secret_key = nopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnabcdefghijklm
Run the tests
S3TEST_CONF=your.conf ./virtualenv/bin/nosetests
You can contribute in many ways by opening an issue or working on the open issues on the projects. A good way to find issues is looking at what tests have not yet been implemented and quickly open an issue.
To find something to work on, look through the to do section of the readme files of the test suites and reach out to the community IRC channel for guidance. You can also choose to work on existing open issues.
Patches can be sent through by opening a pull request on the repositories.
- On IRC use #ceph-devel - Connect your client to: irc.oftc.net
- Please send a mail to [email protected] if you would like an invite to the Ceph slack channel
- You can also use the mailing list [email protected]
Ceph is a warm community. You may face some back and forth especially building and running ceph but remember that it always works as @amaredia says. Feel free to reachout to me (@Captain_Joannah on twitter)if you are stuck. I could also help out on especially the java and Go test suites.