A simple Remix application example. You can build and test it locally as a typical Remix application.
The Remix application is created using the following command:
npx create-remix@latest --template remix-run/remix/templates/express
Using AWS Lambda Web Adapter, you can package this web application into Docker image, push to ECR, and deploy to Lambda, ECS/EKS, or EC2.
The application can be deployed in an AWS account using the Serverless Application Model. The template.yaml
file in the root folder contains the application definition.
The top level folder is a typical AWS SAM project. The remix-app
directory is a Remix application with a Dockerfile.
FROM public.ecr.aws/docker/library/node:20-bookworm-slim as builder
WORKDIR "/var/task"
ADD . .
RUN cd remix-app && npm install && npm run build && npm prune --omit=dev
FROM public.ecr.aws/docker/library/node:20-bookworm-slim
COPY --from=public.ecr.aws/awsguru/aws-lambda-adapter:0.9.0 /lambda-adapter /opt/extensions/lambda-adapter
WORKDIR "/var/task"
COPY --from=builder /var/task/remix-app/build /var/task/build
COPY --from=builder /var/task/remix-app/node_modules /var/task/node_modules
COPY --from=builder /var/task/remix-app/server.js /var/task/server.js
COPY --from=builder /var/task/remix-app/package.json /var/task/package.json
ENV NODE_ENV=production PORT=3000
CMD ["node", "server.js"]
The following tools should be installed and configured.
Navigate to the sample's folder and use the SAM CLI to build a container image
$ sam build
This command compiles the application and prepares a deployment package in the .aws-sam
To deploy the application in your AWS account, you can use the SAM CLI's guided deployment process and follow the instructions on the screen
$ sam deploy --guided
Please take note of the container image name. Once the deployment is completed, the SAM CLI will print out the stack's outputs, including the new application URL. You can open web browser to visit the URL.
OutputKey-Description OutputValue
RemixFunctionApi - URL for application https://xxxxxxxxxx.execute-api.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/
$ curl https://xxxxxxxxxx.execute-api.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/
We can run the same docker image locally, so that we know it can be deployed to ECS Fargate and EKS EC2 without code changes.
$ docker run -d -p 3000:3000 {ECR Image}
Open web browser to visit http://localhost:3000/
In general, you can test your web app locally without simulating AWS Lambda execution environment. But if you want to simulate Lambda and API Gateway locally, you can use SAM CLI.
sam local start-api --warm-containers EAGER
This command will start a local http endpoint and docker container to simulate API Gateway and Lambda. You can test it using curl
, postman
, and your web browser.