I am Alessandro Mantovani (aka elmanto
), currently working at Qualcomm QPSI and ex Ph.D. student in the S3 group at Eurecom.
My research interests involve many areas of system security. For instance, during the last years, I worked on Reverse Engineering, Vulnerability Discovery, Program Analysis, Fuzzing and Malware Analysis. However, I have an inherent curiosity for other related areas such as compilers and operating systems..
More generally, I love learning new things, ranging from low-level technical concepts to new hands-on practical skills. For example, recently I started to write Rust code for fun, despite the fact that as of now I do not have active projects that require Rust development. Another consequence of this "everyday learning" mood, led me to play CTFs, especially during the years of M.sc. and Ph.D., mainly with the NOPS team of Eurecom. As expected, my favorite categories are pwn and reversing.
In my free time, I love hanging out with friends for a beer and practicing sport activities like powerlifting, running and above all surf (and playing guitar, even though I do not have much time to do this).
More details about me at the following pages.
Visit this page for a list of my pubblications, projects and descriptions.
If you want to contact me, take a look at the contact page.
For some papers, I kept some artifacts (slides, github repositories) in my old Eurecom website. Have a look at it.
Finally, I plan to dedicate some time on a blogpost page eventually, to speak about both technical things and more general points of view.