= Home/LUIS
The LUIS cognitive service provides a language understanding ability on free form text. This Fluent API is not meant to replace the more complex LUIS library that supports stateful conversations, but rather a simplified approach to get results from basic LUIS interactions in an easy way.
To extract intents and entities from textual conversation you can do the following:
var result = await CreateUsingConfigurationKeys("LUIS-APP-KEY","SUBSCRIPTOIN-KEY", LocationKeyIdentifier.WestUs)
.AddLuisAnalysis("Where can I find example ARM Templates")
In order to examine the results, an aggregate object is provided with the predictions around intents and entities detected. Continuing on from the example above:
var topIntent = result.LuisAppAnalysis.AnalysisResult.ResponseData.prediction.topIntent; // Retrieve the top detected intent.
var singleIntent = result.LuisAppAnalysis.AnalysisResult.ResponseData.prediction.intents[0].intent;
var confidenceScore = result.LuisAppAnalysis.AnalysisResult.ResponseData.prediction.intents[0].score;
var singleEntity = result.LuisAppAnalysis.AnalysisResult.ResponseData.prediction.entityInstanceList.entityIdentifiers[0].entities[0];
When using the extensions package, this can be simplified into:
var topIntents = result.LuisAppAnalysis.GetTopIntents(); // We can get multiple top intents if we submit multiple queries.
var topIntent = topIntents.First();
With the extension package, you can also easily extract any intents or entities:
var allIntents = result.LuisAppAnalysis.GetIntents();
var allEntities = result.LuisAppAnalysis.GetEntities();