How can we [write software to generatively] fill a surface with an aesthetic, organic field?
Case Study: Corollaria Railing
Resources surveying a wide variety of algorithms for growing forms.
- Morphogenesis Resources by Jason Webb
- That Creative Code Page by Taru Muhonen & Raphaël de Courville
- Processing repository by Julien Gachadoat (v3ga)
- Algorithmic Botany papers and Visual Models of Morphogenesis by Przemyslaw Prusinkiewicz
A feedback process in which particles get stuck to previous particles.
- Animated Demonstration
- Reference: Paul Bourke on DLA
- Animated demonstration, starting from a line
- Demo code by Shiffman
- Video: Coding Train DLA Tutorial
- Video: DLA on Perlin Noise flow field
- Artwork: Jewelry by Nervous System
- Artwork: 3D DLA slices
- Artwork: DLA + RD
- Artwork: DLA in 3D type
- Reference: Prusinkiewicz
- Physics demo: castor oil, bearings
- A Two-Dimensional Growth Process, Murray Eden, 1961 (PDF)
A feedback process in which new shapes arise in the spaces between previous shapes.
- Coding Train Tutorial Video: Animated Circle Packing
- Demo code: Animated Circle Packing
- Approximate Circle Packing
- Tutorial: in Processing
- Lars Wander Article: Polygon Packing
- Amy Goodchild: Maplands artwork
- Amy Goodchild: Maplands article
- Amy Goodchild: Cake Shaped at fxhash
- Box2D/Matter.js examples (Coding Train)
A feedback process in which a line propagates until it hits a previous line, while sometimes branching off new lines.
George Stiny, Ice Ray Grammars, 1977
Mauro Annunziato, Chaos Revenge, 1999
Jared Tarbell, Substrate, 2003; 2023 recode by Tom White.
Mitchell Whitelaw, Limits to Growth, 2008
Mario Klingemann, Subdivision, 2008