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sdcadm(1) -- Administer a SmartDataCenter (SDC) standup


sdcadm [options] COMMAND [args...]
sdcadm help COMMAND


sdcadm is a tool intended for managing SDC configuration, core services and instances. I.e. it is responsible for setting up, upgrading, creating optional instances (e.g. cloudapi), making services HA, etc.

The runtime sdcadm configuration is loaded as follows:

  1. Load defaults from /opt/smartdc/sdcadm/etc/defaults.json.
  2. Load and merge in values from /var/sdcadm/sdcadm.conf (JSON format), if that exists.
  3. Load some SDC config data via bash /lib/sdc/ -json.


-h, --help Print help and exit.

--version Print version and exit.

-v, --verbose Verbose/debug output.


sdcadm help (?)

Help on a specific sub-command.

sdcadm info [options]

Show SDC datacenter and node information.

-h, --help Show this help.

-j, --json JSON Output.

sdcadm self-update [options]

Update "sdcadm" itself.

Find the given sdcadm image in, download it, and install. Latest version of sdcadm can be installed by providing the --latest option instead of an image UUID.

It's recommended to run sdcadm self-update --latest before performing any sdcadm upgrade operation, especially because there could be critical bugfixes published since the last time sdcadm itself was updated.

You can get the exact version of sdcadm running in your SDC setup using:

    sdcadm --version

The output of this command will include both the semver version, and the usual image version (referencing git branch, date and git SHA). For example:

    [root@headnode (coal) ~]# sdcadm --version
    sdcadm 1.3.9 (master-20141114T063621Z-g995ee7e)

    # Update to the given image UUID:
    sdcadm self-update IMAGE_UUID [<options>]
    # Update to the latest available image:
    sdcadm self-update --latest [<options>]

-h, --help Show this help.

-n, --dry-run Go through the motions without actually updating.

--allow-major-update Allow a major version update to sdcadm. By default major updates are skipped (to avoid accidental backward compatibility breakage).

-C ARG, --channel=ARG Use the given channel to fetch the image, even if it is not the default one.

--latest Get the latest available image.

sdcadm instances [options]

List all SDC service instances. Note that "service" here includes SDC core vms and agents.

-h, --help Show this help.

-j, --json JSON output

-H Omit table header row.

-o field1,... Specify fields (columns) to output.

-s field1,... Sort on the given fields. Default is "-type,service,hostname,version,alias".

-I, --group-by-image Group by unique (service, image).

sdcadm services [options]

List all SDC services.

-h, --help Show this help.

-j, --json JSON output

-H Omit table header row.

-o field1,... Specify fields (columns) to output.

-s field1,... Sort on the given fields. Default is "-type,name".

sdcadm available [options]

Display images available for update of SDC services and instances.

 sdcadm avail(able) [<options>] [<svc>] ...

-h, --help Show this help.

-C ARG, --channel=ARG Use the given channel to search for the image(s), even if it is not the default one.

-a, --all-images Display all the images available for updates, not only the latest image for each service.

-j, --json Show images list as raw JSON. Other options will not apply.

-J, --jsonstream new-line separated JSON streaming output.

-H Omit table header row.

-o field1,... Specify fields (columns) to output.

-s field1,... Sort on the given fields. Default is "-service,version,image".

-x ARG, --exclude=ARG Exclude the given services (only when looking for updates for all services, i.e. no arguments given).

sdcadm update [options]

Update SDC services and instances.

 sdcadm update [<options>] <svc> ...
 sdcadm update [<options>] <svc>@<image> ...
 sdcadm update [<options>] <svc>@<version> ...

-h, --help Show this help.

-n, --dry-run Go through the motions without actually updating.

-a, --all Update all instances.

-y, --yes Answer yes to all confirmations.

-I, --just-images Just import images. Commonly this is used to preload images before the full upgrade run.

--force-data-path Forcibly update compoents in the customer data path (which are not updated by default). Applies to: portolan.

--force-rabbitmq Forcibly update rabbitmq (which is not updated by default)

--force-same-image Allow update of an instance(s) even if the target image is the same as the current.

--force-bypass-min-image Allow update of an instance(s) even if the target image is unknown or it does not fulfil the minimum image requirements for updates.

--ufds-backup-timeout=T Timeout (in seconds) for the creation of the backup of all the UFDS data during ufds updates. Default: 600secs.

-C, --channel=ARG Use the given channel to fetch the image(s), even if it is not the default one.

-x ARG, --exclude=ARG Exclude the given services (only when -a|--all is provided).

sdcadm rollback [options] -f ./local-upgrade-file.json ...

Rollback SDC services and instances.

In order to rollback one or more services to the version these services were before a given update, it's necessary to pass the plan.json file generated for such update, (plan files are usually at /var/sdcadm/updates/$buildstamp). sdcadm will figure out the previous version for those services using this file, and generate a new plan for the rollback process.

Right now there are no restrictions at all about what version a given service can be rolled back to -- if you can update a service to a given version, you can rollback a service to that same version.

Please take into consideration that we're not making any checks regarding irreversible service migrations at the moment. This is the reason you must specify the --force flag, in order to confirm that you want to rollback the services/instances listed into the provided plan file.

-h, --help Show this help.

-n, --dry-run Go through the motions without actually rolling back.

-y, --yes Answer yes to all confirmations.

--force Do the rollback despite of migrations and version dependencies

-f FILE_PATH, --file=FILE_PATH Full path to file with update plan.json to rollback

sdcadm create [options] svc

Create one or more instances for an existing SDC service.

Note that in order to create an instance of some services the option --dev-allow-multiple-instances must be specified, given that those services are not supposed to have more than one instance. There are also some services whose instances should not be created using this tool, like manatee or binder. Finally, the first instance of some services should not be created using this tool when there is an alternate choice provided by post-setup subcommand.

-h, --help Show this help.

-n, --dry-run Go through the motions without actually creating.

-i ARG, --image=ARG UUID of the Image to be used for the instance.

-s SERVERS, --servers=SERVERS Comma separated list of servers (either hostnames or uuids) on which to create the instance(s).

-y, --yes Answer yes to all confirmations.

--dev-allow-multiple-instances Allow additional instances to be created even if the service is not HA ready (for development purposes).

sdcadm check-config [options]

Check sdc config in SAPI versus system reality.

-h, --help Show this help.

sdcadm check-health (health) [options] [svc or inst...]

Check that services or instances are up.

-h, --help Show this help.

-j, --json JSON output

-q, --quiet Only print health errors, if any

-H Omit table header row.

-s ARG, --servers=ARG The UUID or hostname of the CNs to limit the check to. One argument per server is required: -s UUID1 -s UUID2 ...

Instances to be checked can be filtered via by type: type=vm type=agent

and service or instance name: imgapi cnapi cn-agent

sdcadm default-fabric [options]

Initialize a default fabric for an account.

-h, --help Display this help message.

sdcadm post-setup [options] COMMAND [args...]

Common post-setup procedures.

The default setup of a SmartDataCenter headnode is somewhat minimal. "Everything up to adminui." Practical usage of SDC -- whether for production, development or testing -- involves a number of common post-setup steps. This command attempts to capture many of those for convenience and consistency.

-h, --help Show this help message and exit.

sdcadm post-setup help COMMAND

Help on a specific post-setup sub-command.

sdcadm post-setup cloudapi

Create a first cloudapi instance.

Initial setup of SmartDataCenter does not create a cloudapi instance. This procedure will do that for you.

sdcadm post-setup common-external-nics

Add external NICs to the adminui and imgapi zones.

By default no SDC core zones are given external nics in initial setup. Typically it is most useful to have those for the adminui instance (to be able to access the operator portal in your browser) and for the imgapi instance (to enable it to reach out to and for images). IMGAPI instances are always firewalled such that only outbound connections are allowed.

sdcadm post-setup underlay-nics [options]

Provisions underlay NICs on the provided underlay network for the given Compute Node(s).

sdcadm post-setup underlay-nics NETWORK_UUID SERVER1 [ SERVER2 [SERVER3] ]

Note that this command can be re-run as many times as needed and it will automatically take care of do not provision two underlay nics into the same network for any CN.

-h, --help Show this help and exit.

sdcadm post-setup ha-binder [options]

Setup the binder service for high availability (HA).

The binder service provides internal DNS to Triton core services. It also holds a zookeeper (ZK) cluster used by some Triton core services. To best support ZK availability we want an odd number of binder instances. One, three, or five instances are supported.

Usage: sdcadm post-setup ha-binder SERVER1 SERVER2 ...


-h, --help Show this help.

--allow-delete Allow replacement/deletion of existing binder instances.

--dev-allow-repeat-servers For development, allow a binder cluster with multiple instances on the same server.

-y, --yes Answer yes to all confirmations.

"SERVER ..." should list one, three, or five setup servers (hostname or UUID) on which a binder instance is desired. Note that this includes existing binder instances, e.g. the "binder0" instance typically on the initial headnode.

For backward compatibility, sdcadm post-setup ha-binder -s SERVER2 -s SERVER3 is accepted (a) when there is only a single binder on the headnode and (b) to mean that two binder instances should be added for a total of three instances. The new calling form is preferred because it is idempotent.

Examples: # Ensure a 3-instance binder cluster on the given 3 servers. sdcadm post-setup ha-binder headnode SERVER2 SERVER3

# Deprecated. Same result as preview example.
sdcadm post-setup ha-binder -s SERVER2 -s SERVER3

At least one of the existing binder instances must remain unchanged during the process. In case the desired configuration does not include any of the existing instances, the recommended procedure is to complete the removal or replacement of all the desired instances in two steps, keeping at least one of the instances during the first run of the command. For example, say we want to "move" our binder instances from servers "headnode", "SERVER1" and "SERVER2" to the new servers "SERVER4", "SERVER5" and "new-headnode". We can proceed as follows:

# Replace all but the first instance:
sdcadm post-setup ha-binder headnode SERVER4 SERVER5
# Replace the first one while keeping the new instances:
sdcadm post-setup ha-binder new-headnode SERVER4 SERVER5

sdcadm post-setup ha-manatee [options]

Create 2nd and 3rd manatee instances as the 1st required step for HA.

When you have one manatee initially, you're in ONE_NODE_WRITE_MODE which is a special mode that exists just for bootstrapping. To go from this mode to a HA setup you'll need at least one more manatee. Switching modes however is not quite as simple as just provisioning a second one. This command attempts to move you from one instance to a HA setup.

After examining your setup and ensuring you're in the correct state it will:

  • create a second manatee instance for you (with manatee-sitter disabled)
  • disable the ONE_NODE_WRITE_MODE on the first instance
  • reboot the first manatee into multi-node mode
  • reenable the sitter and reboot the second instance
  • wait for manatee to return that it's synchronized

After we've gone through this, it'll create a 3rd manatee instance on the second server you specified to complete manatee ha setup.

Remember that you need to specify the -s option as many times as different servers UUIDs you need to provide:

sdcadm post-setup ha-manatee -s SERVER_UUID1 -s SERVER_UUID2

-h, --help Show this help and exit.

-y, --yes Answer yes to all confirmations.

-s ARG, --servers=ARG The UUID for the target servers. Two values are required, one for sync manatee, another for async manatee.

sdcadm post-setup fabrics [-c conf] [--reconfigure] [-h]

Create portolan instance, nat service when needed and setup fabrics.

Initial setup of SmartDataCenter does not create a portolan instance. This procedure will do that for you and setup underlay-nics and fabrics and, if docker is setup, update docker config to use fabrics.

-h, --help Display this help message.

-c FILE, --conf=FILE Use the given configuration file (required).

-r, --reconfigure Update fabrics configuration with the provided one.

sdcadm post-setup docker

Setup the Docker service.

This command will create the "docker" and "dockerlogger" services, create the initial docker instance on the headnode, and install dockerlogger on all setup servers (or a subset if "-s" is used).

-h, --help Show this help.

-j N, --concurrency=N Number of concurrent servers to which to install dockelogger simultaneously. Default: 5.

-s ARG, --servers=ARG Comma-separate list of servers (hostname or UUID) on which dockelogger will be setup. If not specified, dockelogger will be setup on all setup servers.

sdcadm post-setup cmon

Setup the Container Monitor (CMON) system.

This command will setup the "cmon" and "cmon-agent" services and create an initial instance of "cmon" on the headnode and "cmon-agent" on the specify (or all setup) servers.

-h, --help Show this help.

-C CHANNEL, --channel=CHANNEL Update channel from which to get the "cmon" and "cmon-agent" images.

-j N, --concurrency=N Number of concurrent servers to which to install cmon-agent simultaneously. Default: 5.

-s ARG, --servers=ARG Comma-separate list of servers (hostname or UUID) on which cmon-agent will be setup. If not specified, then cmon-agent will be setup on all setup servers.

sdcadm post-setup cns

Create the "cns" service and a first instance.

-h, --help Show this help.

sdcadm post-setup dev-headnode-prov

Make the headnode provisionable, for development and testing. This allows a Manta deployment to co-exist with standard Triton provisioning.

This is done via ALLOC_FILTER_CAPNESS, ALLOC_FILTER_HEADNODE, and ALLOC_FILTER_MIN_RESOURCES SAPI parameters of the CNAPI service. See SAPI configuration

sdcadm platform [options] COMMAND [args...]

Platform related sdcadm commands.

These are commands to assist with the common set of tasks required to manage platforms on a typical SDC setup.

Note that SDC keeps a cache directory (/usbkey/os) of the platform images installed on the USB key (/mnt/usbkey/os). Please read help of sub-commands in order to know how this may or not affect each of them.

-h, --help Show this help and exit.

sdcadm platform help COMMAND

Help on a specific platform sub-command.

sdcadm platform install [options] [args]

Download and install platform image for later assignment.

 sdcadm platform install IMAGE-UUID
 sdcadm platform install PATH-TO-IMAGE
 sdcadm platform install --latest

Please note that installing a new platform image will not assign this image to any server. Install will download the image, put it on the head node USB key (/mnt/usbkey/os) and copy it back to the platform cache directory (/usbkey/os). The image is made available through CNAPI for later assignment.

-h, --help Show this help and exit.

--latest Install the latest platform image from the update channel.

-C, --channel=ARG Use the given channel to fetch the image(s), even if it is not the default one.

sdcadm platform assign [options] [args]

Assign platform image to the given DC server(s).

sdcadm platform assign PLATFORM --all
sdcadm platform assign PLATFORM [SERVER ...]

-h, --help Show this help and exit.

--latest Assign latest Platform Image.

--all Assign given platform image to all servers instead of just the given one(s).

Where PLATFORM is one of "--latest" (the latest platform image installed on the USB key) or a "YYYYMMDDTHHMMDDZ" version of an installed platform (see "sdcadm platform list").

Use "--all" to assign to all servers or pass a specific set of SERVERs. A "SERVER" is a server UUID or hostname. In a larger datacenter, getting a list of the wanted servers can be a chore. The "sdc-server lookup ..." tool is useful for this.

Examples: # Assign the latest platform to all servers. sdcadm platform assign --latest --all

# Assign a specific platform  on setup servers with the "pkg=aegean" trait.
sdcadm platform update-agents 20151021T183753Z \
    $(sdc-server lookup setup=true traits.pkg=aegean)

# Assign a platform, excluding those with a "internal=PKGSRC" trait.
sdcadm platform update-agents 20151021T183753Z \
    $(sdc-server lookup setup=true 'traits.internal!~PKGSRC')

sdcadm platform list [options]

Provides a list of platform images available to be used.

-h, --help Show this help.

-j, --json Show platforms list as raw JSON. Other options will not apply

-J, --jsonstream new-line separated JSON streaming output

-a, --active Do not display platform images where current and boot platforms are zero.

-i, --inactive Display only platform images where current and boot platforms are zero.

-u, --usbkey Display only platform images stored in USB Key (do not display images stored only in cache directory).

-H Omit table header row.

-o field1,... Specify fields (columns) to output.

-s field1,... Sort on the given fields. Default is "-version,current_platform,boot_platform".

sdcadm platform usage PLATFORM

Provides a list of servers using the given platform.

-h, --help Show this help.

-j, --json Show platforms list as raw JSON. Other options will not apply

-H Omit table header row.

-o field1,... Specify fields (columns) to output.

-s field1,... Sort on the given fields. Default is "-uuid,hostname,current_platform,boot_platform".

sdcadm platform remove

Removes the given platform image(s).

 sdcadm platform remove PLATFORM [PLATFORM2 [PLATFORM3]]
 sdcadm platform remove --all

When a platform in use by any server is given, the --force option is mandatory.

When given, the --all option will remove all the platforms not being used by any server (neither currently, or configured to boot into).

Please note that unless the --cleanup-cache option is given, the platform image will remain available to be used at the /usbkey/os directory and, therefore, will continue appearing into the listing provided by both CNAPI and sdcadm platform list.

On these cases, you can re-run this command with the desired platform images and the --cleanup-cache option, and sdcadm will remove them from the cache directory.

-h, --help Show this help.

--all Removes all the platforms not in use.

--force Remove the given platform despite of being in use.

--cleanup-cache Also remove the given platform(s) from the on-disk cache.

-y, --yes Answer yes to all confirmations.

-k NUM, --keep-latest=NUM Keep the given number of the most recent platforms. (Requires --all).

sdcadm platform avail

Return the list of remotely available platform images published after the latest image installed locally.

 sdcadm platform avail [OPTIONS]

-h, --help Show this help.

-j, --json Show platforms list as raw JSON. Other options will not apply.

-J, --jsonstream new-line separated JSON streaming output.

-H Omit table header row.

-o field1,... Specify fields (columns) to output.

-s field1,... Sort on the given fields. Default is "-version,uuid,published_at".

-C, --channel=ARG Use the given channel to fetch the image(s), even if it is not the default one.

sdcadm platform set-default PLATFORM

Set the default platform image for new servers.

-h, --help Show this help.

--latest Set default platform image to latest installed into USB key.

sdcadm channel [options] COMMAND [args...]

sdcadm commands for operations with update channels.

Provide a list of available update channels and set/update the preferred update channel.

-h, --help Show this help and exit.

sdcadm channel help COMMAND

Help on a specific channel sub-command.

sdcadm channel list

Provides a list of update channels available.

-h, --help Show this help.

-j, --json Show channels list as raw JSON. Other options will not apply

-H Omit table header row.

sdcadm channel get

Get the default update channel.

-h, --help Show this help.

sdcadm channel set CHANNEL_NAME

Set the default update channel.

-h, --help Show this help.

sdcadm history [options] [HISTORY-ITEM-UUID]

History of sdcadm commands.

The historical collection of sdcadm commands ran into the current SDC setup, searchable by execution time (when SAPI is available).

We keep a history of updates in an 'sdcadm_history' moray bucket. This command lists the history ala zpool history (with tabular output). In case moray happens to be down, history for an upgrade is cached locally and pushed to Moray on later uses of sdcadm.

There is a two phase write to the history during an sdcadm update: first at the start of the update, before changes are made, and later upon completion. We attempt to write that completion even when the update failed, but the initial write at the start allows for detection of update crashes.

The same thing happens for other commands, like sdcadm self-update or sdcadm post-setup cloudapi. In general, any sdcadm subcommand causing a modification of the system will call history and save such change into the aforementioned 'sdcadm_history' bucket.

The -j|--json option allows retrieving such changes in raw JSON format (with the same structure than update plan.json). If the UUID of a given change is given as an argument to sdcadm history, only that change will be retrieved.

It's also possible to just search for history items started after (--since) or before (--until) a given date. Both command options take a valid ISO 8610 Date String as their possible values. Of course, a combination of both command options will allow searching within a given time interval.

-h, --help Show this help message and exit.

-j, --json Show history as JSON. -H Omit table header row.

-o field1,... Specify fields (columns) to output.

-s field1,... Sort on the given fields. Default is "-started,finished".

--since=ARG Return only values since the given date. ISO 8601 Date String.

--until=ARG Return only values until the given date. ISO 8601 Date String.

When HISTORY-ITEM-UUID is given, only that history item will be included using JSON format and all the other options will be ignored

sdcadm dc-maint [options] command

Show and modify the DC maintenance mode.

"Maintenance mode" for an SDC means that Cloud API is in read-only mode. Modifying requests will return "503 Service Unavailable". Workflow API will be drained on entering maint mode. When Docker service is also installed, it'll behave the same way than Cloud API.

Limitation: This does not current wait for config changes to be made and cloudapi instances restarted. That means there is a window after starting that new jobs could come in.

-h, --help Show this help message and exit.

sdcadm dc-maint status [-j]

Show DC maint status.

sdcadm dc-maint status [-j]

-h, --help Show this help message and exit.

-j, --json Show status as JSON.

sdcadm dc-maint start [options]

Start DC Maintenance. Optionally, start maintenance only for CloudAPI or Docker services.

 sdcadm dc-maint start

-h, --help Show this help message and exit.

--docker-only Start maintenance mode only for Docker service.

--cloudapi-only Start maintenance mode only for CloudAPI service.

--message=ARG Maintenance message to be used until the DC is restored to full operation.

--eta=DATE Expected time to get the DC restored to full operation (to be used in Retry-After HTTP headers).Epoch seconds, e.g. 1396031701, or ISO 8601 format YYYY-MM-DD[THH:MM:SS[.sss][Z]], e.g. "2014-03-28T18:35:01.489Z".

sdcadm dc-maint stop [options]

Stop DC Maintenance

 sdcadm dc-maint stop

-h, --help Show this help message and exit.

sdcadm experimental [options] command [args...]

Experimental, unsupported, temporary sdcadm commands.

These are unsupported and temporary commands to assist with migration away from incr-upgrade scripts. The eventual general upgrade process will not include any commands under "sdcadm experimental".

-h, --help Show this help message and exit.

sdcadm experimental help COMMAND

Help on a specific experimental sub-command.

sdcadm experimental update-agents [options] [args...]

Update SDC agents

sdcadm experimental update-agents [OPTIONS] AGENTSSHAR --all
sdcadm experimental update-agents [OPTIONS] AGENTSSHAR [SERVER ...]
sdcadm experimental update-agents [OPTIONS] AGENTSSHAR --just-download

-h, --help Show this help message and exit.

--latest Update using the last published agents installer.

--just-download Download the agents installer for later usage.

-a, --all Update on all servers already setup.

-y, --yes Answer yes to all confirmations.

-j N, --concurrency=N Number of concurrent servers downloading agentsshar file or being updated simultaneously. Default: 5.

Where AGENTSSHAR is one of "--latest" (the latest agentsshar package in the current channel of the update server), an agentsshar UUID in the updates server, or a path to a locally downloaded agentsshar package.

Agents may only be updated on servers that are setup. Use "--all" for all setup servers, or pass a specific set of SERVERs. A "SERVER" is a server UUID or hostname. In a larger datacenter, getting a list of the wanted servers can be a chore. The "sdc-server lookup ..." tool is useful for this.

Examples: # Update to the latest agentsshar on all setup servers. sdcadm experimental update-agents --latest --all

# Update a specific agentsshar on setup servers with the "pkg=aegean" trait.
sdcadm experimental update-agents 8198c6c0-778c-11e5-8416-13cb06970b44 \
    $(sdc-server lookup setup=true traits.pkg=aegean)

# Update on setup servers, excluding those with a "internal=PKGSRC" trait.
sdcadm experimental update-agents 8198c6c0-778c-11e5-8416-13cb06970b44 \
    $(sdc-server lookup setup=true 'traits.internal!~PKGSRC')

sdcadm experimental update-other

Temporary grabbag for small SDC update steps. The eventual goal is to integrate all of this into "sdcadm update".

-h, --help Show this help message and exit.

sdcadm experimental update-gz-tools [options] [args...]

Temporary grabbag for updating the SDC global zone tools. The eventual goal is to integrate all of this into "sdcadm update".

 sdcadm experimental update-gz-tools IMAGE-UUID
 sdcadm experimental update-gz-tools PATH-TO-INSTALLER
 sdcadm experimental update-gz-tools --latest

-h, --help Show this help message and exit.

--latest Update using the last published gz-tools installer.

--just-download Download the GZ Tools installer for later usage.

--force-reinstall Force reinstall of the current gz-tools image in use.

-C NAME, --channel=NAME Use the given channel to fetch the image, even if it is not the default one.

sdcadm experimental add-new-agent-svcs

Temporary grabbag for installing the SDC global zone new agents. The eventual goal is to integrate all of this into "sdcadm update".

-h, --help Show this help message and exit.

sdcadm experimental install-docker-cert -k key -c cert

Installs a custom TLS certificate to be used by sdc-docker.

-h, --help Show this help message and exit.

-k, --key Path to private key.

-c, --cert Path to certificate.

sdcadm experimental nfs-volumes [options] [args...]

Enables/disables support for various NFS volumes features.

# Enable NFS volume support for sdc-docker
sdcadm experimental nfs-volumes docker

# Disable NFS volume support for sdc-docker
sdcadm experimental nfs-volumes docker -d

# Enable NFS volume support for CloudAPI
sdcadm experimental nfs-volumes cloudapi

# Disable NFS volume support for CloudAPI
sdcadm experimental nfs-volumes cloudapi -d

# Enable docker containers automatically mounting NFS volumes
sdcadm experimental nfs-volumes docker-automount

# Disable docker containers automatically mounting NFS volumes
sdcadm experimental nfs-volumes docker-automount -d

# Enable CloudAPI containers automatically mounting NFS volumes
sdcadm experimental nfs-volumes cloudapi-automount

# Disable CloudAPI containers automatically mounting NFS volumes
sdcadm experimental nfs-volumes cloudapi-automount -d

-h, --help Show this help message and exit.

-d, --disable Disable a given NFS volume feature instead of enabling it.


sdcadm Copyright 2022 MNX Cloud, Inc.