this example shows how to collect data from clients in POST/PUT/... commands
to start the http server:
$> ./postcollector 8090 #listening port
to stop the server just press the ctrl+c
the server will dump each POST data into a file (dump.bin
server.listen(port, [](QHttpRequest* req, QHttpResponse* res) {
req->collectData(8*1024*1024); // maximum 8MB of data for each post request
// the better approach is to use req->onData(...)
req->onEnd([req, res](){
res->addHeader("connection", "close"); // optional header (added by default)
int size = req->body().size();
auto message = [size]() -> QByteArray {
if ( size == 0 )
return "Hello World!\n";
char buffer[65] = {0};
qsnprintf(buffer, 64, "Hello!\nyou've sent me %d bytes!\n", size);
return buffer;
res->end(message()); // response body data
if ( size > 0 ) { // dump the incoming data into a file
QFile f("dump.bin");
if ( )
to POST some data in a handy way:
$> curl -X POST --data-binary "@sample.jpeg" ip:port
where sample.jpeg
should be in current working directory.
to check the integrity of transmitted data:
SHA1(dump.bin) == SHA1(sample.jpeg)
shall return true