diff --git a/source-map.bs b/source-map.bs
index 5460953..d7e9fdb 100644
--- a/source-map.bs
+++ b/source-map.bs
@@ -497,13 +497,10 @@ sources=] |sources|, run the followi
|groups|[|generatedLine|] on `,`.
1. Let |generatedColumn| be 0.
1. [=For each=] |segment| in |segments|:
- 1. Let |position| be a [=position variable=] for |segment|, initially pointing at
- |segment|'s start.
- 1. [=Decode a base64 VLQ=] from |segment| given |position| and let
- |relativeGeneratedColumn| be the result.
- 1. If |relativeGeneratedColumn| is null, [=optionally report an error=] and continue
+ 1. [=Decode a list of base64 VLQ=] from |segment| and let |vlqs| be the result.
+ 1. If |vlqs| is [=list/empty=], [=optionally report an error=] and continue
with the next iteration.
- 1. Increase |generatedColumn| by |relativeGeneratedColumn|. If the result is negative,
+ 1. Increase |generatedColumn| by |vlqs|[0]. If the result is negative,
[=optionally report an error=] and continue with the next iteration.
1. Let |decodedMapping| be a new [=decoded mapping=] whose
[=decoded mapping/generatedLine=] is |generatedLine|,
@@ -513,18 +510,10 @@ sources=] |sources|, run the followi
[=decoded mapping/originalColumn=] is null,
and [=decoded mapping/name=] is null.
1. Append |decodedMapping| to |decodedMappings|.
- 1. [=Decode a base64 VLQ=] from |segment| given |position| and let |relativeSourceIndex|
- be the result.
- 1. [=Decode a base64 VLQ=] from |segment| given |position| and let
- |relativeOriginalLine| be the result.
- 1. [=Decode a base64 VLQ=] from |segment| given |position| and let
- |relativeOriginalColumn| be the result.
- 1. If |relativeOriginalColumn| is null, then:
- 1. If |relativeSourceIndex| is not null, [=optionally report an error=].
- 1. Continue with the next iteration.
- 1. Increase |sourceIndex| by |relativeSourceIndex|.
- 1. Increase |originalLine| by |relativeOriginalLine|.
- 1. Increase |originalColumn| by |relativeOriginalColumn|.
+ 1. If |vlqs|'s [=list/size=] is 1, continue with the next iteration.
+ 1. Increase |sourceIndex| by |vlqs|[1].
+ 1. If |vlqs|[2] [=list/exists=], increase |originalLine| by |vlqs|[2].
+ 1. If |vlqs|[3] [=list/exists=], increase |originalColumn| by |vlqs|[3].
1. If any of |sourceIndex|, |originalLine|, or |originalColumn| are less than 0, or if
|sourceIndex| is greater than or equal to |sources|'s [=list/size=], [=optionally
report an error=].
@@ -533,15 +522,12 @@ sources=] |sources|, run the followi
1. Set |decodedMapping|'s [=decoded mapping/originalLine=] to |originalLine|.
1. Set |decodedMapping|'s [=decoded mapping/originalColumn=] to |originalColumn|.
- 1. [=Decode a base64 VLQ=] from |segment| given |position| and let |relativeNameIndex|
- be the result.
- 1. If |relativeNameIndex| is not null, then:
- 1. Increase |nameIndex| by |relativeNameIndex|.
- 1. If |nameIndex| is negative or greater than |names|'s [=list/size=], [=optionally
- report an error=].
- 1. Else, set |decodedMapping|'s [=decoded mapping/name=] to |names|[|nameIndex|].
- 1. If |position| does not point to the end of |segment|, [=optionally report an
- error=].
+ 1. If |vlqs|'s [=list/size=] is 4, continue with the next iteration.
+ 1. Increase |nameIndex| by |vlqs|[4].
+ 1. If |nameIndex| is negative or greater than |names|'s [=list/size=],
+ [=optionally report an error=].
+ 1. Else, set |decodedMapping|'s [=decoded mapping/name=] to |names|[|nameIndex|].
+ 1. If |vlqs|'s [=list/size=] is greater then 4, [=optionally report an error=].
1. Increase |generatedLine| by 1.
1. Return |decodedMappings|.
@@ -574,6 +560,16 @@ To decode a base64 VLQ from a [=string=] |segment| given a [=position
NOTE: In addition to returning the decoded value, this algorithm updates the [=position variable=]
in the calling algorithm.
+To decode a list of base64 VLQ from a [=string=] |segment|, run the following steps:
+1. Let |position| be a [=position variable=] for |segment|, initially pointing at
+ |segment|'s start.
+1. Let |vlqs| be a new empty [=list=].
+1. While |position| does not point to the end of |segment|:
+ 1. [=Decode a base64 VLQ=] from |segment| given |position| and let |vlq| be the result.
+ 1. Assert |vlq| is not null.
+ 1. Append |vlq| to |vlqs|.
+1. Return |vlqs|.
### [=Mappings=] for generated JavaScript code
Generated code positions that may have [=Mapping=] entries are defined in terms of *input elements*