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File metadata and controls

779 lines (588 loc) · 25.2 KB API

This package defines and implements HTTP API endpoints for, and this document covers usage and parameters of those endpoints.

Resource endpoints

Here's a list of endpoints to query various resources. An exhaustive list of the endpoints can be found in routes.go.

Also see results creation for endpoints to add new data.

TestRun entities

TestRun entities represent metadata about an execution of the wpt test suite, on a particular product. Tests are run on a regular basis, and each entry in /api/runs annotates when the tests were executed, which product they were executed on, and the where the results are stored.


Gets the TestRun metadata for all runs for a given SHA[0:10], sorted by time_start descending.


sha : SHA[0:10] of the runs to get, or the keyword latest. Defaults to latest.

product : Product(s) to include (repeated param), e.g. chrome or firefox-60.

aligned : boolean for whether to get only SHAs which were executed across all of the requested products.

labels: A comma-separated list of labels, e.g. firefox,stable; only runs with all the given labels will be returned. There are currently two kinds of labels supported, browser names (chrome, edge, firefox, safari) and release channels (experimental or stable).

from : RFC3339 timestamp, for which to include runs that occured after the given time. NOTE: Runs are sorted by time_start descending, so be wary when combining this parameter with the max-count parameter below.

to : RFC3339 timestamp, for which to include runs that occured before the given time.

max-count : Maximum number of runs to get (for each browser). Maximum of 500. only (Beta params)

pr (Beta): GitHub PR number. Shows runs for commits that belong to the PR.


Example JSON
    "browser_name": "chrome",
    "browser_version": "67.0.3396.62",
    "os_name": "linux",
    "os_version": "4.4",
    "revision": "2bd11b91d4",
    "full_revision_hash": "2bd11b91d490ddd5237bcb6d8149a7f25faaa101",
    "results_url": "",
    "created_at": "2018-06-05T08:27:30.627865Z",
    "raw_results_url": ""


Gets a specific (single) TestRun metadata by its datastore ID.


Example JSON
  "id": "5164888561287168",
  "browser_name": "chrome",
  "browser_version": "67.0.3396.62",
  "os_name": "linux",
  "os_version": "4.4",
  "revision": "2bd11b91d4",
  "full_revision_hash": "2bd11b91d490ddd5237bcb6d8149a7f25faaa101",
  "results_url": "",
  "created_at": "2018-06-05T08:27:30.627865Z",
  "raw_results_url": ""


Gets a specific (single) TestRun metadata by product and sha.


sha : SHA[0:10] of the runs to get, or the keyword latest. Defaults to latest.

product : browser[version[os[version]]]. e.g. chrome-63.0-linux


Example JSON
  "id": "5164888561287168",
  "browser_name": "chrome",
  "browser_version": "67.0.3396.62",
  "os_name": "linux",
  "os_version": "4.4",
  "revision": "2bd11b91d4",
  "full_revision_hash": "2bd11b91d490ddd5237bcb6d8149a7f25faaa101",
  "results_url": "",
  "created_at": "2018-06-05T08:27:30.627865Z",
  "raw_results_url": ""


Gets an array of revisions (SHA[0:10]), in reverse chronological order. This method behaves similarly to /api/runs above, but projects the revision field's value.


aligned : boolean for whether to get only SHAs which were executed across all of the requested products.

product : Product(s) to include (repeated param), e.g. chrome or firefox-60

from : RFC3339 timestamp, for which to include runs that occured after the given time. NOTE: Runs are sorted by time_start descending, so be wary when combining this parameter with the max-count parameter below.

to : RFC3339 timestamp, for which to include runs that occured before the given time.

max-count : Maximum number of runs to get (for each browser). Maximum of 500.


Example JSON
  "2bd11b91d4"//, ...

Results summaries

The following methods apply to the results summaries JSON blobs, which are linked to from TestRun entities.


Performs an HTTP redirect for the results summary JSON blob of the given TestRun.

Response format

The summary JSON format has been updated as of July 2022, and all requisite summary files should now follow this newformat. Summary files with the new format are denoted with the _v2 file name suffix. This change was made to differentiate a test's overall status value from the subtest passes and totals.

The v2 summary JSON is in the format

  "/path/to/test.html": {
    "s": "O",
    "c": [1, 1]

Each test path has two properties.

s, or status, which is an abbreviated value to the test's overall status.

c, or counts, which is an array containing [number of subtest passes, total subtests].

Status abbrevations

Status Abbreviation

Any summary files before this update follow the old JSON format (v1). The v1 summary format has no additional name suffix, unlike v2.

The v1 JSON is in the format

  "/path/to/test.html": [2, 2],

Where the array contains [number of subtest passes, total subtests]. The test's overall status is added with these subtest values. A passing status value (OK or PASS) will increment the number of subtest passes.


product : Product to fetch the results for, e.g. chrome-66

sha : SHA[0:10] of the TestRun to fetch, or the keyword latest. Defaults to latest.


Example JSON (from the summary_v2.json.gz output)
  "/css/css-text/i18n/css3-text-line-break-opclns-213.html": [1, 1],
  "/css/css-writing-modes/table-progression-vrl-001.html": [1, 1],
  // ...


Computes a summary JSON blob of the differences between two TestRun summary blobs, in the format of an array of [improved, regressed, total-delta].


run_ids : Exactly two numerical IDs for the "before" and "after" runs (in that order), separted by a comma. IDs associated with runs can be obtained by querying the /api/runs API. This overrides the before and after params.

before : [product]@[sha] spec for the TestRun to use as the before state.

after : [product]@[sha] spec for the TestRun to use as the after state.

path : Test path to filter by. path is a repeatable query parameter.

filter : Differences to include in the summary.

  • A : Added - tests which are present after, but not before.
  • D : Deleted - tests which are present before, but not after.
  • C : Changed - tests which are present before and after, but the results summary is different.
  • U : Unchanged - tests which are present before and after, and the results summary count is not different.

Test Manifest

The following methods apply to the retrieval and filtering of the Test Manifest in WPT, which contains metadata about each test.


Gets the JSON of the WPT manifest GitHub release asset, for a given sha (defaults to latest).


sha : SHA of the WPT repo PR for which to fetch, the manifest, or the keyword latest. (Defaults to latest.)

NOTE: The full SHA of the fetched manifest is returned in the HTTP response header X-WPT-SHA, e.g.

X-WPT-SHA: abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01

Response format

The high-level structure of the v4 manifest is as follows:

  "items": {
    "manual": {
        "file/path": [
    "reftest": {...},
    "testharness": {...},
    "visual", {...},
    "wdspec": {...},

manifest_item is an array (nested in the map's "file/path" value's array) with varying contents. Loosely,

  • For testharness entries: [url, extras]
    • extras example: {"timeout": "long", "testdriver": True}
  • For reftest entries: [url, references, extras]
    • references example: [[reference_url1, "=="], [reference_url2, "!="], ...]
    • extras example: {"timeout": "long", "viewport_size": ..., "dpi": ...}

Results creation


Uploads a wptreport to the dashboard to create the test run.

This endpoint only accepts POST requests. Requests need to be authenticated via HTTP basic auth. Please file an issue if you want to register as a "test runner", to upload results.

File payload

Content type: multipart/form-data


labels: (Optional) A comma-separated string of labels for this test run. Currently recognized labels are "experimental", "stable" (the release channel of the tested browser) and "master" (test run from the master branch).

callback_url: (Optional) A URL that the processor should POST when successful, which will create the TestRun. Defaults to /api/results/create in the current project's environment (e.g. for wptdashboard, for wptdashboard-staging).

result_file: A gzipped JSON file, with the filename ending with .gz extension, produced by wpt run --log-wptreport. This field can be repeated to include multiple files (for chunked reports).

screenshot_file: A gzipped screenshot database produced by wpt run --log-screenshot. This field can be repeated to include multiple links (for chunked reports).

The JSON file roughly looks like this:

  "results": [...],
  "run_info": {
    "revision": "WPT revision of the test run",
    "product": "your browser",
    "browser_version": "version of the browser",
    "os": "your os",
    "os_version": "OPTIONAL OS version",


The time_start and time_end fields are numerical timestamps (in milliseconds since the UNIX epoch) when the whole test run starts and finishes. They are optional, but encouraged. wpt run produces them in the report by default.

run_info.{revision,product,browser_version,os} are required, and should be automatically generated by wpt run. If for some reason the report does not contain these fields (e.g. old WPT version, Sauce Labs, or custom runners), they can be overridden with the following optional parameters in the POST payload (this is NOT recommended; please include metadata in the reports whenever possible):

  • revision (note this should be the full revision hash, not a 10-char truncation)
  • browser_name (note that it is not called product here)
  • browser_version
  • os_name (note that it is not called os here)
  • os_version

URL payload

Content type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded


result_url: A URL to a gzipped JSON file produced by wpt run --log-wptreport (see above for its format). This field can be repeated to include multiple links (for chunked reports).

screenshot_url: A URL to a gzipped screenshot database produced by wpt run --log-screenshot. This field can be repeated to include multiple links (for chunked reports).

archive_url: A URL to a ZIP archive containing files like wpt_report*.json and wpt_screenshot*.json, similar to result_url and screenshot_url respectively. This field can be repeated to include multiple links (for chunked reports). This field cannot co-exist with result_url or screenshot_url.

callback_url: (Optional) A URL that the processor should POST when successful, which will create the TestRun. Defaults to /api/results/create in the current project's environment (e.g. for wptdashboard, for wptdashboard-staging).

labels: (Optional) A comma-separated string of labels for this test run. Currently recognized labels are "experimental" and "stable" (the release channel of the tested browser).


This is an internal endpoint used by the results processor.

Querying test results


Search for test results over some set of test runs. This endpoint accepts POST and GET requests.

  • POST requests are forwarded to the searchcache for structured queries, with run_ids and query fields in the JSON payload; see search query documentaton for more information.

  • GET requests are unstructured queries with the following parameters:


run_ids : (Optional) A comma-separated list of numerical ids associated with the runs over which to search. IDs associated with runs can be obtained by querying the /api/runs API. Defaults to the default runs returned by /api/runs. NOTE: This is not the same set of runs as is shown on by default.

q: (Optional) A query string for search. Only results data for tests that contain the q value as a substring of the test name will be returned. Defaults to the empty string, which will yield all test results for the selected runs. NOTE: structured search queries are not supported.


Example JSON
  "runs": [
      "id": 6.311104602964e+15,
      "browser_name": "chrome",
      "browser_version": "68.0.3440.106",
      "os_name": "linux",
      "os_version": "16.04",
      "revision": "2dda7b8c10",
      "full_revision_hash": "2dda7b8c10c7566fa6167a32b09c85d51baf2a85",
      "results_url": "https:\/\/\/wptd-staging\/2dda7b8c10c7566fa6167a32b09c85d51baf2a85\/chrome-68.0.3440.106-linux-16.04-edf200244e-summary_v2.json.gz",
      "created_at": "2018-08-17T08:12:29.219847Z",
      "time_start": "2018-08-17T06:26:52.33Z",
      "time_end": "2018-08-17T07:50:09.155Z",
      "raw_results_url": "https:\/\/\/wptd-results-staging\/2dda7b8c10c7566fa6167a32b09c85d51baf2a85\/chrome-68.0.3440.106-linux-16.04-edf200244e\/report.json",
      "labels": [
      "id": 5.132783244542e+15,
      "browser_name": "firefox",
      "browser_version": "61.0.2",
      "os_name": "linux",
      "os_version": "16.04",
      "revision": "2dda7b8c10",
      "full_revision_hash": "2dda7b8c10c7566fa6167a32b09c85d51baf2a85",
      "results_url": "https:\/\/\/wptd-staging\/2dda7b8c10c7566fa6167a32b09c85d51baf2a85\/firefox-61.0.2-linux-16.04-75ff911c43-summary_v2.json.gz",
      "created_at": "2018-08-17T08:31:38.580221Z",
      "time_start": "2018-08-17T06:47:29.643Z",
      "time_end": "2018-08-17T08:15:18.612Z",
      "raw_results_url": "https:\/\/\/wptd-results-staging\/2dda7b8c10c7566fa6167a32b09c85d51baf2a85\/firefox-61.0.2-linux-16.04-75ff911c43\/report.json",
      "labels": [
  "results": [
      "test": "\/html\/dom\/elements\/global-attributes\/lang-xyzzy.html",
      "legacy_status": [
          "passes": 1,
          "total": 1
          "passes": 1,
          "total": 1

Metadata results


API endpoint for fetching all of the link metadata stored in the wpt-metadata repository, with the (normally file-sharded) data all flattened into a JSON object which is keyed by test name.

This endpoint accepts POST and GET requests.

  • GET request returns Metadata Link Information by product, and requires product parameters;

  • POST request searches Metadata Link by link url, and requires product parameters and payload.

URL Parameters

product : browser[version[os[version]]]. e.g. chrome-63.0-linux

JSON Request Payload

    "link": "[pattern]"

Where [pattern] is any substring of the url field of a wpt-metadata link node.

Get Examples

  • /api/metadata?product=chrome&product=safari
Example JSON
  "/FileAPI/blob/Blob-constructor.html": [
      "url": "",
      "product": "chrome",
      "results:" [
          "subtest": "Blob with type \"image/gif;\"",
          "status": "UNKNOWN"
          "subtest": "Invalid contentType (\"text/plain\")",
          "status": "UNKNOWN"
  "/service-workers/service-worker/fetch-request-css-base-url.https.html": [
      "url": "",
      "product": "firefox",
  "/service-workers/service-worker/fetch-request-css-images.https.html": [
      "url": "",
      "product": "firefox"

Post Examples

  • POST /api/metadata?product=chrome&product=firefox
Example JSON
  "/IndexedDB/bindings-inject-key.html": [
      "url": ""
  "/html/browsers/history/the-history-interface/007.html": [
      "url": ""


API endpoint for retrieving pending metadata whose PRs are not merged yet. This endpoint is used along with the /api/metadata endpoint to retrieve all metadata, pending or non-pending. It accepts GET requests without any parameters. It returns the same JSON response as /api/metadata.

This endpoint is a best-effort API, because in some rare cases, e.g. both the Redis server and its replica go down, pending metadata information can be lost temporarily.


This API is available for trusted third parties.

To use the Triage Metadata API, you first need to sign in to (top-right corner; 'Sign in with GitHub'). For more information on login, see here.

The logged-in user also needs to belong to the 'web-platform-tests' GitHub organization. To join, please file an issue, including the reason you need access to the Triage Metadata API.

Once logged in, you can send a request to /api/metadata/triage to triage metadata. This endpoint only accepts PATCH requests and appends a triage JSON object to the existing Metadata YML files. The JSON object is a flattened YAML Links structure that is keyed by test name Test path; see below for an example.

This endpoint returns the URL of a PR that is created in the wpt-metadata repo.

Example JSON Body
  "/FileAPI/blob/Blob-constructor.html": [
      "url": "",
      "product": "chrome",
      "results:" [
          "subtest": "Blob with type \"image/gif;\"",
          "status": 6
          "subtest": "Invalid contentType (\"text/plain\")",
          "status": 0
  "/service-workers/service-worker/fetch-request-css-base-url.https.html": [
      "url": "",
      "product": "firefox",
  "/service-workers/service-worker/fetch-request-css-images.https.html": [
      "url": "",
      "product": "firefox"

Browser Specific Failure


Gets the BSF data of Chrome, Firefox, Safari for the home directory.

The endpoint accepts GET requests.


from : (Optional) RFC3339 timestamp, for which to include BSF data that occured after the given time inclusively.

to : (Optional) RFC3339 timestamp, for which to include BSF data that occured before the given time exclusively.

experimental : A boolean to return BSF data for experimental or stable runs. Defaults to false.

JSON Response

The response has three top-level fields:

lastUpdateRevision indicates the latest WPT Revision updated in data.

fields corresponds to the fields (columns) in the data table and has the format of an array of:

  • sha, date, [product-version, product-score]+

data returns BSF data in chronological order.

Example JSON
         "70.0.3510.0 dev",
         "70.0.3521.2 dev",

Test History


This endpoint accepts POST requests. It returns historical test run information for a given test name.

JSON Request Payload

    "test_name": "example test name"

JSON Response

The returned JSON will contain a history of test runs for each major browser: Chrome, Firefox, Edge, and Safari.

Each individual subtest run will have a date, status, and run_id.

The first test entry for each browser is represented with an empty string. This represents the Harness Status if there are multiple tests, or the Test Status if there is only one test.

Example JSON
    "results": {
        "chrome": {
            "": [
                    "date": "2022-06-02T06:02:55.000Z",
                    "status": "TIMEOUT",
                    "run_id": "5074677897101312"
            "subtest_name_1": [
                    "date": "2022-06-02T06:02:55.000Z",
                    "status": "PASS",
                    "run_id": "5074677897101312"
        "firefox": {
            "": [
                    "date": "2022-06-02T06:02:55.000Z",
                    "status": "OK",
                    "run_id": "5074677897101312"
            "subtest_name_1": [
                    "date": "2022-06-02T06:02:55.000Z",
                    "status": "PASS",
                    "run_id": "5074677897101312"