Challenge Submissions for the IEEEXtreme 10.0 24-Hour Programming Competition.
The Technomancers is a three student Undergraduate team from Louisiana Tech University.
- World: 167 of 1823
- Country - USA: 10 of 156
- Region - R05: 5 of 26
- School - Louisiana Tech: 1 of 6
- P01 - Dog Walking/
- P04 - Painter Dilemma/
- P05 - Food Truck/
- P06 - Memory Management/
- P08 - Counting Molecules/
- P11 - Game of Stones/
- P12 - Mysterious Maze/
- P14 - Forum Threads/
- P16 - Full Adder/
- P19 - Flower Games/
- P23 - P is NP/
Senior in Computer Science
Sophomore in Cyber Engineering
Sophomore in Cyber Engineering