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Touchable Alarm Clock Module for MagicMirror2



  1. Clone this repo into ~/MagicMirror/modules directory.

  2. Configure your ~/MagicMirror/config/config.js:

        module: 'MMM-TouchAlarm',
        position: 'bottom_left',
        config: {
            snoozeMinutes: 10, // I want to snooze longer
            alarmTimeoutMinutes: 5, // Stop the alarm automatically after 5 minutes
            alarmSoundFile: 'blackforest.mp3', // Play some birds
            alarmSoundFadeSeconds: 60 // Increase the volume slowly
            // ...

(Currently) Known limitations

  • If you snooze, the alarm time will be updated. So the next day you have to reset the alarm and reduce it by the snoozed time.

  • If you close an alarm it will not be automatically be reset for the next day, you've to click the bell again.

Config Options

Option Default Description
minutesStepSize 5 Increasing/Decreasing the minutes in the configuration screen with this step size.
snoozeMinutes 5 Alarm will be fired again in x minutes after snoozing.
alarmTimeoutMinutes 5 Stop the alarm automatically after this amount of minutes.
--- --- ---
alarmSound true Should an alarm sound be played.
alarmSoundFile 'alarm.mp3' Name and extension of your alarm sound. File needs to be placed in ~/MagicMirror/modules/MMM-TouchAlarm/sounds. Standard files are alarm.mp3 and blackforest.mp3. Alternatively specify a web stream http or https.
alarmSoundMaxVolume 1.0 The maximum volume of alarm (between 0.0 and 1.0).
alarmSoundFade true Should the alarm sound file be faded.
alarmSoundFadeSeconds 30 Within how many seconds should the alarm reach the configured alarmSoundMaxVolume.
Expert Options
debug false If set to true it will show some debug information in the console.
alarmStoreFileName alarm.json File name to store information even if the Magic Mirror restarts.

Alarm Sounds

There are already two alarm sounds:


More notifications will be implemented as soon as wished.


  • MMM-TouchAlarm-ALARM-CHANGED -> will be send hour: number, minutes: number, active: boolean, nextAlarm: moment-timestamp
  • MMM-TouchAlarm-ALARM-FIRED -> will be send hour: number, minutes: number
  • MMM-TouchAlarm-ALARM-SNOOZE -> will be send hour: number, minutes: number

Special Thanks

Special thanks to fewieden for creating MMM-AlarmClock which helped a lot to create this project.


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