Python interface for the seq-align C library, written by Isaac Turner (@noporpoise).
pip install pyseq-align
To install directly from GitHub,
git clone --recursive
cd pyseq-align
pip install .
Two alignment algorithms are provided: Needleman-Wunsch and Smith-Waterman.
from pyseq_align import NeedlemanWunsch
nw = NeedlemanWunsch()
al = nw.align('ACGT', 'ACGTC')
print(al.result_a) # ACGT-
print(al.result_b) # ACGTC
from pyseq_align import SmithWaterman
sw = SmithWaterman()
als = sw.align('ACGT', 'ACGTC') # unlike above, this is a list of Alignment's
for al in als:
print(al.result_a, al.pos_a) # ACGT, 0
print(al.result_b, al.pos_b) # ACGT, 0