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Rainer Schuetze edited this page Dec 1, 2012 · 1 revision

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Welcome to Visual D

Visual D aims at providing seamless integration of the D programming language into Visual Studio.

Visual D is a Visual Studio package providing both project management and language services. It works with Visual Studio 2005, 2008, 2010 and 2012 as well as the free Visual Studio Shells. See the [wiki:Installation] instructions, especially if not using a commercial edition of Visual Studio.

Open assigned, count), [query:status=closed&order=priority] TicketQuery(status=closed, count)


Use the navigation bar on the left to take a tour of Visual D including a lot of screen shots.

 * Project management with all DMD options available through the UI
 * Syntax highlighting with special version and token string support
 * Import statement completion, simple word-completion
 * Underlining of syntactical errors
 * Goto definition
 * Parameter info tooltips
 * Code outlining
 * Symbol/File search window
 * Integration of <a href="" target="_blank">cv2pdb</a> and <a href="" target="_blank">Mago</a> for nice debugging experience
 * Profiler browse window
 * Support for Error List, Code Definition window, Object Browser and Class View
 * C++ to D Conversion Wizard
 * Code completion and tooltips from semantic analysis of source code
 * Support for building with <a href="" target="_blank">GDC</a> instead of DMD (including 64-bit code)
 * Completely written in D



Want to get notified of new releases? Please add yourself to get notified of announcements in the respective forum topic.

2012-10-12 Version 0.3.34

  * linker error messages can now be decompressed and demangled (thanks to Benjamin Thaut for providing the code)
  * optlink now called directly with file monitoring: this allows passing the library path directly and detecting library and source dependencies
  * parser improvements
  * completion box speed improvements
  * fix installation for VS2012
  * now runs on an almost precise garbage collector

2012-06-19 Version 0.3.33

  * debugger project settings now stored in solution options file, not in project file
  * cv2pdb: new version 0.25 that supports VS2012
  * cv2pdb: exposed command line options in the project options
  * intellisense tool tip now shows enumerator value
  * moved parser and semantic analysis into another process
  * various improvements to parser and semantic analysis
  * version highlighting now supports the "version(V):" syntax
  * tweaked vsi2d to also convert the Windows 8 SDK and VS2012 SDK



The latest installer can be downloaded [download:/downloads/VisualD-v0.3.34.exe]. You can find older versions and some additional files in the [download:/downloads/].

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