- Here we are basically doing Time Series Forecasting of May month by using ARIMA Model.
- Here I used a modified version of the Dataset called 'final.csv'
- written in Python 3.6 .
Steps to predict:
Run- '1_final_data-loading.py' file.
- By running it actually we will consider April & May values for modelling our problem & May values for validating our prediction.
- 2 files will be created final_dataset.csv & final_validation.csv
Run- '2_final_problem-evaluate.py'
- We will evaluate the problem by Baseline prediction & by Drawing various Plots.
- Output given in jpeg.
Run- '3_final_arima-modelling.py'
- Now we will implement ARIMA Model on the Dataset.
- Here the program will automatically find the best (p,d,q) values for the Problem.
- Output given in jpeg.
Run- '4_final_arima-residualerrors.py'
- Here checking for Residual Errors to see whether Stationarity in Dataset is acheived or not.
- Output given in jpeg.
Run- '5_final_model-save.py'
- Now we will implement the model on entire dataset & save it as 'final_model.pkl' & to use it for future predictions.
- Output given in jpeg.
Run- '6_final_predict.py'
- Now this will finally predict the values of the May month along with what was Expected & what it predicted.
- Output given in jpeg.
- Please refer the Output Screenshots Folder.
- coded by AAYUSH GADIA.