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Kai Wegner edited this page Sep 2, 2022 · 3 revisions

Welcome to the unity-build-system wiki!

Commandline usage

"-batchmode" - specifies if the build should run in batchmode. Value can be used by buildsteps.

"-collection=" - specifies an Asset Path to a build collection to build

"-android-sdk=" - specifies a custom android-sdk path used to build, Stores the value in EditorPrefs as "AndroidSdkRoot"

"-android-ndk=" - specifies a custom android-ndk path used to build, Stores the value in EditorPrefs as "AndroidNdkRoot"

"-jdk-path=" - specifies a custom jdk path used to build, Stores the value in EditorPrefs as "JdkPath"

"-buildTag=" - adds the given tag to the output path (eg. build/android.apk -> build/androidTAG.apk)

"-buildAll" - if no buildProcessByNames is given and this argument is detected, will build all processes in the given collection

"-commitID=" - Stores the value in EditorPrefs as "commitID"

"-tagName=" - Stores the value in EditorPrefs as "tagName"

"-buildProcessByNames=" - A comma separated list of build process names in the collection that should be built

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