Sprint 231
ANT (V1)
Update node20 handler for migrated tasks (#19258 ) (2023-11-15)
AndroidSigning (V2)
Update node20 handler for migrated tasks (#19258 ) (2023-11-15)
AndroidSigning (V3)
Update node20 handler for migrated tasks (#19258 ) (2023-11-15)
AppCenterDistribute (V3)
[AppCenterDistributeV3] - Migrate task to Node20 (#19192 ) (2023-11-02)
ArchiveFiles (V2)
Update node20 handler for migrated tasks (#19258 ) (2023-11-15)
AzureAppServiceManage (V0)
Migrate Pipeline environment tasks to Node20 (#19188 ) (2023-11-02)
AzureAppServiceSettings (V1)
Update localization [10/30/23] (#19181 ) (2023-10-31)
Migrate Pipeline environment tasks to Node20 (#19188 ) (2023-11-02)
AzureCLI (V1)
Migrate Pipeline environment tasks to Node20 (#19188 ) (2023-11-02)
AzureCLI (V2)
Migrate Pipeline environment tasks to Node20 (#19188 ) (2023-11-02)
AzureContainerApps (V0)
Migrate AzureContainerAppsV0/V1 and 2 other tasks (#19217 ) (2023-11-03)
AzureContainerApps (V1)
Migrate AzureContainerAppsV0/V1 and 2 other tasks (#19217 ) (2023-11-03)
AzureFileCopy (V1)
Consolidated PowerShell sanitizers (#19183 ) (2023-11-08)
Fix bug with SqlAzureDacpacDeployment on WIF service connection (#19256 ) (2023-11-13)
AzureFileCopy (V2)
Consolidated PowerShell sanitizers (#19183 ) (2023-11-08)
Migrate Pipeline environment tasks to Node20 (#19188 ) (2023-11-02)
Fix bug with SqlAzureDacpacDeployment on WIF service connection (#19256 ) (2023-11-13)
AzureFileCopy (V3)
Consolidated PowerShell sanitizers (#19183 ) (2023-11-08)
Migrate Pipeline environment tasks to Node20 (#19188 ) (2023-11-02)
Fix bug with SqlAzureDacpacDeployment on WIF service connection (#19256 ) (2023-11-13)
AzureFileCopy (V4)
Consolidated PowerShell sanitizers (#19183 ) (2023-11-08)
Migrate Pipeline environment tasks to Node20 (#19188 ) (2023-11-02)
Fix bug with SqlAzureDacpacDeployment on WIF service connection (#19256 ) (2023-11-13)
AzureFileCopy (V5)
Consolidated PowerShell sanitizers (#19183 ) (2023-11-08)
Fix bug with SqlAzureDacpacDeployment on WIF service connection (#19256 ) (2023-11-13)
AzureFunctionApp (V1)
Migrate AzureFunctionAppV1/V2 to Node20 (#19214 ) (2023-11-03)
AzureFunctionApp (V2)
Migrate AzureFunctionAppV1/V2 to Node20 (#19214 ) (2023-11-03)
AzurePowerShell (V4)
[AzurePowerShellV4/V5] - Migrate task to Node20 (#19195 ) (2023-11-03)
AzurePowerShell (V5)
[AzurePowerShellV4/V5] - Migrate task to Node20 (#19195 ) (2023-11-03)
AzureResourceGroupDeployment (V2)
[AzureResourceGroupDeploymentV2] - Migrate task to Node20 (#19205 ) (2023-11-03)
AzureResourceManagerTemplateDeployment (V3)
[AzureResourceManagerTemplateDeploymentV3] - Migrate task to Node20 (#19197 ) (2023-11-03)
AzureRmWebAppDeployment (V4)
AzureRmWebAppDeploymentV4: Use latest version of webdeployment package (#19198 ) (2023-11-01)
[AzureRmWebAppDeploymentV4] - Fix Node16 migration (#19245 ) (2023-11-07)
AzureSpringCloud (V0)
[AzureSpringCloudV0] - Migrate task to Node20 (#19193 ) (2023-11-06)
Update localization [11/07/23] (#19239 ) (2023-11-10)
AzureStaticWebApp (V0)
Migrate AzureStaticWebAppV0 to Node20 (#19213 ) (2023-11-03)
AzureVmssDeployment (V0)
Migrate AzureVmssDeploymentV0 to Node20 (#19216 ) (2023-11-03)
Revert AzureVmssDeployment to 0.230.0 (#19275 ) (2023-11-15)
Fixed latest Vulnerabilities related to Babel/traverse (#19300 ) (2023-11-20)
AzureWebApp (V1)
AzureWebAppV1: Skip zip entry names validation (#19199 ) (2023-11-01)
Bash (V3)
[ABTT tasks] Bump vulnerable libs (#19160 ) (2023-11-02)
Update node20 handler for migrated tasks (#19258 ) (2023-11-15)
CMake (V1)
Update node20 handler for migrated tasks (#19258 ) (2023-11-15)
CUrlUploader (V2)
Update node20 handler for migrated tasks (#19258 ) (2023-11-15)
CargoAuthenticate (V0)
Update node20 handler for migrated tasks (#19258 ) (2023-11-15)
CmdLine (V2)
Update node20 handler for migrated tasks (#19258 ) (2023-11-15)
CocoaPods (V0)
Update node20 handler for migrated tasks (#19258 ) (2023-11-15)
CondaAuthenticate (V0)
Update node20 handler for migrated tasks (#19258 ) (2023-11-15)
CondaEnvironment (V0)
[ABTT tasks] Bump vulnerable libs (#19160 ) (2023-11-02)
Update node20 handler for migrated tasks (#19258 ) (2023-11-15)
CondaEnvironment (V1)
Update node20 handler for migrated tasks (#19258 ) (2023-11-15)
ContainerStructureTest (V0)
Migrate 4 tasks to Node20 (#19215 ) (2023-11-03)
CopyFilesOverSSH (V0)
Update node20 handler for migrated tasks (#19258 ) (2023-11-15)
CopyFiles (V2)
Update node20 handler for migrated tasks (#19258 ) (2023-11-15)
DeployVisualStudioTestAgent (V2)
Update localization [10/30/23] (#19181 ) (2023-10-31)
Docker (V2)
[DockerV2] - Migrate task to Node20 (#19206 ) (2023-11-03)
DownloadBuildArtifacts (V0)
Add request compression parameter for DownloadBuildArtifacts@0 task redirected flow (#19266 ) (2023-11-13)
Fixed latest Vulnerabilities related to Babel/traverse (#19300 ) (2023-11-20)
DownloadFileshareArtifacts (V1)
Fixed latest Vulnerabilities related to Babel/traverse (#19300 ) (2023-11-20)
FileTransform (V1)
FileTransformV1: Upgrade 7zip (#19284 ) (2023-11-15)
Gradle (V2)
[GradleV2/V3] - Migrate task to Node20 (#19202 ) (2023-11-03)
Gradle (V3)
[GradleV2/V3] - Migrate task to Node20 (#19202 ) (2023-11-03)
JavaToolInstaller (V0)
[ABTT tasks] Bump vulnerable libs (#19160 ) (2023-11-02)
[JavaToolInstaller] - Fix Node20 migration (#19281 ) (2023-11-15)
JenkinsDownloadArtifacts (V1)
Fixed latest Vulnerabilities related to Babel/traverse (#19300 ) (2023-11-20)
KubeloginInstaller (V0)
Migrate AzureContainerAppsV0/V1 and 2 other tasks (#19217 ) (2023-11-03)
Kubernetes (V0)
[KubernetesV0] - Migrate task to Node20 (#19203 ) (2023-11-03)
MSBuild (V1)
Update MSBuildHelpers in tasks (#19262 ) (2023-11-15)
MavenAuthenticate (V0)
Update localization [10/30/23] (#19181 ) (2023-10-31)
Maven (V2)
[ABTT tasks] Bump vulnerable libs (#19160 ) (2023-11-02)
Maven (V3)
[ABTT tasks] Bump vulnerable libs (#19160 ) (2023-11-02)
NodeTool (V0)
[NodeToolV0/UseNodeV1] - Add inputs to manage retries and delays (#19243 ) (2023-11-09)
OpenPolicyAgentInstaller (V0)
Migrate AzureContainerAppsV0/V1 and 2 other tasks (#19217 ) (2023-11-03)
PackerBuild (V0)
[PackerBuildV0/V1] - Migrate task to Node20 (#19196 ) (2023-11-06)
PackerBuild (V1)
[PackerBuildV0/V1] - Migrate task to Node20 (#19196 ) (2023-11-06)
PowerShell (V2)
Consolidated PowerShell sanitizers (#19183 ) (2023-11-08)
Fix bug with SqlAzureDacpacDeployment on WIF service connection (#19256 ) (2023-11-13)
PublishCodeCoverageResults (V1)
Migrate 4 tasks to Node20 (#19215 ) (2023-11-03)
SqlAzureDacpacDeployment (V1)
Fix bug with SqlAzureDacpacDeployment on WIF service connection (#19256 ) (2023-11-13)
UseDotNet (V2)
UseDotNetV2: Support global.json files with comments (#19226 ) (2023-11-09)
UseNode (V1)
[NodeToolV0/UseNodeV1] - Add inputs to manage retries and delays (#19243 ) (2023-11-09)
UseRubyVersion (V0)
Update node20 handler for UseRubyVersionV0 (#19294 ) (2023-11-17)
VSBuild (V1)
Update MSBuildHelpers in tasks (#19262 ) (2023-11-15)
VsTestPlatformToolInstaller (V1)
[VsTestPlatformToolInstallerV1] - Migrate task to Node20 (#19194 ) (2023-11-06)
VsTest (V2)
Migrate 4 tasks to Node20 (#19215 ) (2023-11-03)
VsTest (V3)
Migrate 4 tasks to Node20 (#19215 ) (2023-11-03)
WindowsMachineFileCopy (V1)
Fix bug with SqlAzureDacpacDeployment on WIF service connection (#19256 ) (2023-11-13)
WindowsMachineFileCopy (V2)
Fix bug with SqlAzureDacpacDeployment on WIF service connection (#19256 ) (2023-11-13)
XamarinAndroid (V1)
Update node20 handler for XamarinAndroidV1 (#19298 ) (2023-11-17)
XamariniOS (V2)
[XamariniOSV2] - Migrate task to Node20 (#19204 ) (2023-11-03)
You can’t perform that action at this time.