Android StackBlur is a library that can perform a blurry effect on a Bitmap based on a gradient or radius, and return the result. The library is based on the code of Mario Klingemann.
The library is compatible for Android versions 1.5 (so pretty much compatible with every device).
A library and a sample application are provided with the code.
- Mario Klingemann developed the original algorithm and gave me the idea to port it to Android.
- Manuel Peinado Gallego has generously pointed me out some other sources working on the same area.
- Nicolas Pomepuy pointed me out to his really useful article on the topic.
Download the library with git. When it has been imported into your project. First initialize your StackBlurManager to load a sample image:
_stackBlurManager = new StackBlurManager(getBitmapFromAsset(this, "android_platform_256.png"));
Process using a certain radius with the following line:
and finally obtain the image and load it into an ImageView or any other component:
_imageView.setImageBitmap(_stackBlurManager.returnBlurredImage() );
- 08.09.2013: Added support for Gradle
- 19.08.2013: Added support for Alpha blurring
As soon as I get some free time I want to add the following features:
- Image processing through NDK
- Multithreading
- Support for PNG9
If you want to colaborate with the project, feel free to submit a pull request!
Enrique López Mañas - [email protected]