Progress is blocked due to external dependencies or obstacles
Regular maintenance tasks that don't change functionality or address bugs
Technical debt that will need to be addressed
Automated updates and changes managed by Dependabot
Enhancements, additions, or corrections to project documentation
This issue or pull request already exists
Enhancements or issues related to the developer experience and workflow
Enhancements or optimizations to existing functionality
Requires more time for consideration or development before further action
Feature or change that requires documentation
Issue that requires further investigation or information gathering
Feature or change that requires additional tests
Desirable enhancements that are not critical to the project
Significant, self-contained projects or sub-projects within the repository
Issues or tasks specifically assigned to or managed by REVSYS
Critical security vulnerabilities that require immediate attention
Features or enhancements to consider for future development
Issues or tasks related to writing or improving tests
Issues not currently being pursued, but are open for external contributions
General explanation of a feature written from the perspective of an end user
Still in progress and not yet ready for review
This will not be worked on